The Matsui The Peated Single Malt Whisky 松井 泥煤 單一麥芽威士忌 (700ml 48%) 精心挑選泥煤麥芽釀製,美國白橡木桶熟成。琥珀色酒液。微甜的麥芽香中透露出苦澀優雅的煙燻味,回味無窮。 知名的海浪酒標,來自日本浮世繪巨擘葛飾北齋的傑作「富嶽三十六景之神奈川衝浪裡」。泥炭的香味在松本威士忌裡面表現得淋漓盡致,它的雄偉,氣派通過浮世繪突出的表現在標籤上。 得獎紀錄 2019年國際威士忌大賽 (IWC)-最佳日本無年份威士忌 2019年舊金山世界烈酒大賽 (SWSC)-金牌 |
Matsui single malt whisky 「Matsui Peated Limited design bottles for Overseas」 Katsushika Hokusai’s “The great wave” Packing a potent peat punch, this bottling leaves a hale and hearty aftertaste, even among Matsui whiskies. We feel the force and majesty of the waves in this Ukiyo-e artwork reflects the spirit of our peated offering, hence why we chose it for our label. Aesthetically pleasing and delicious, this Matsui whisky is a work of pride. |