Yamazaki Sherry山崎雪莉桶12年~
"渡邊美樹"總裁特選單一麥芽威士忌 酒精度:43% 容量:660ml (無盒) 陳年桶型 : シェリー樽(雪莉桶) 1995-2007 此款為日本國內的限定版本,精心挑選的被保存超過12年的山崎雪莉桶單一麥芽威士忌,山崎蒸溜所12年「Watami President Choice」 - 2007年9月發售。此酒是以鋼鐵意志所打造的200億餐飲王國的和民集團社長-渡邊美樹所去命名的。 山崎雪莉桶(YAMAZAKI SHERRY cask) 無年份那款,自從獲獎後價格飆漲,本款山崎雪莉桶12年渡邊美樹,是只在日本國內發行的版本,而日本的產品素有「一流產品留日本,二流產品銷歐美」的說法,所以此酒稀有程度可見一般。 |
Yamazaki 12 Watami President Choice~
Miki Watanabe, boss of the huge Watami chain of restaurants and izakayas, is the Richard Branson of Japanese business. He has made his own personality his main brand since coming straight out of university to found a single restaurant in 1984. He now has more than 630. The name of the chain is derived from his own and, though he runs all sorts of establishments from classy drinking haunts to more food focused restaurants, they invariably carry the same "Watami" characters on their signboards. There are lots of variations but these two kanji seem to crop up on every other street I walk down here: It usually pays to be sceptical of business celebrities and the wares they hawk but I have to admit to being a Watami fan. The staff are better trained than the other big chains, the menus are innovative and of fairly high quality and the restaurants make a thing of stocking good alcohol. Order a glass of sake (Nihonshu) or shochu at random from a Watami menu and you are likely to be served something worth drinking. Watami has also been doing its single malt whisky homework. It seems to have a tie up with Suntory and has blends and single malts available from their range. I was excited to discover on my last visit that Watami now stocks its own unique Yamazaki bottling. Predictably, given the Watanabe personality cult, it is called "Watami President Choice". It is a 12-year-old single malt but tasted quite different to me from the standard Yamazaki 12. When I say Watami`s staff are well trained, I am comparing them to the absolutely abysmal standards you get in big chains in the big cities. The girl who took my order at Watami for a straight "Watami President Choice" came back with it on the rocks. However, she corrected her mistake efficiently and politely. The drink itself was palatable. A sweet start with caramel. Chewy toffees. Nothing really developed from there. It is a very well rounded whisky, almost too well rounded: inoffensive to the point of being boring. Would it be rude to call this sherry casked charmer the Coca-Cola of single malts? I enjoyed my drink but I wouldn't rave about it. What I would rave about is the fact that there is a proper Japanese single malt being aggressively marketed by one of the most successful restaurant and izakaya chains in Japan. That is likely to introduce more people to quality whisky than a thousand connoisseur tastings. |