明石 白橡木桶 單一麥芽 威士忌 (500ml 46%)~ White Oak AKASHI 白橡木明石威士忌,是傳承 120 多年日本釀酒技術的國寶級酒藏之一「江井ヶ嶋酒造」精心手工釀製而成。從 1888 年開始採用日本傳統工藝釀製日本清酒和燒酒,直至 1919 年獲取威士忌執照,開始以獨特的技術釀造威士忌。「江井ヶ嶋酒造」一直是日本威士忌生產歷史中的先驅。蒸餾所位於日本兵庫縣明石市,俯瞰瀨戶內海。當地以水質優良著稱,自古以來就是酒藏的首選之地。 將雪莉桶、波本桶及白橡木桶,三種桶的單一麥芽原酒以黃金分割比例調和在一起。獨特而濃郁的香氣,使得口感層次極為豐富,餘韻悠長。入喉後帶有一絲原酒風格的微辣感,不過是優雅的而並非是粗曠的辣,懂得品嚐的飲酒者,會被它的魅力深深吸引而欲罷不能。 (色澤) 金黃色 (香氣) 香甜、蜂蜜、蘋果 (口感) 蘋果、麥芽、橡木 |
White Oak Akashi Single Malt Japanese Whisky (500ml)~ The White Oak distillery is perhaps the least known of Japan’s whisky producers, but it has a legitimate claim to be the country’s oldest with a license to make whisky granted in 1919 — four years before Yamazaki was built. It's located in the city of Akashi in Hyogo Prefecture, west of Kobe, facing the Seto Inland Sea. The distillery was founded by Eigashima Shuzo in 1888 to produce sake. Eigashima Shuzo obtained a license to manufacture whisky in 1919, but it was when the company moved to their current facilities in 1984 that White Oak Distillery was born. White Oak’s whisky stills are only in operation for one month every year and so their production is very small. Most of it's blended whisky, but when the single malts do come on the market the whisky is named ‘Akashi’ after its hometown. The first Akashi release was in 2007. This 'No Age Statement' bottling is a new product for White Oak, released in September 2012. It's a blend of 7 YO, 5 YO & 4 YO malts from 3 types of cask. The intention is for this to become the distillery's 'house' expression.This release is limited to 4500 bottles. Non chill filtered and no colouring added. (color) Vibrant yellow (nose) Sweet, honey, apple (taste) Apple flavor, malty core, grainy, crispy |
江井ヶ島酒造 ホワイトオーク あかし シングルモルト (46.0度 500ml)~ ホワイトオーク蒸留所は、スコットランド地方の 様式を取り入れた造りで、明石の小さな蒸留所です。スパニッシュオークシェリー樽で貯蔵したモルトを中心に、 アメリカンオークシェリー樽、バーボン樽で貯蔵したモルトをバッティングしました。それぞれの樽の個性が奏でる、複雑で豊かな香味をお愉しみ頂けます。 |