Nikka Yoichi & Miyagikyo Original Set 余市 宮城峽 酒廠限定原酒 (500ml 43%)~ 日本威士忌之父竹鶴政孝一生的用心呈現Nikka每款傑作,繼北海道余市之後,Nikka 的第二家釀酒廠宮城峽於1969年開業於仙台。此限量版推出一組兩支,結合了余市與宮城峽兩家酒廠的嚴選傑作,這一套毫無疑問絕對是威士忌鑑賞家必須入手的藝術品。 |
Nikka Yoichi & Miyagikyo Original Set~ Nikka the company was the life’s work of Masataka Taketsuru, the “Father of Japanese Whisky”. Its products are rightly celebrated worldwide for their quality, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you can feel the ingenuity of Masataka in Nikka whisky. This set includes one bottle of Nikka Yoichi Single Malt Japanese Whisky that was distilled and bottled at The Nikka Whisky Distillery and a bottle of Miyagikyo Original Whisky from the Miyagikyo. Nikka’s second distillery having opened up Sendai in 1969. This set without the doubt are whisky connoisseur must hold piece of art. |