Yoichi Heavily Peated Limited Edition 余市 重泥煤 2015限量版 (700ml 48%) 品牌:Nikka 酒廠:余市 國家:日本 地區:北海道 NIKKA威士忌酒廠於2015年9月份同時推出《余市 重泥煤》和《宫城峽 雪莉桶》兩款數量限定特別版酒款。 Nikka 余市重泥煤,限量3000瓶,酒廠特別推出泥煤限量版,馬上造成市場搶購,濃郁有強烈性格個性味道的的單一麥芽酒質,值得入手。 |
Yoichi Heavily Peated Limited Edition Bottling Note~ Brand : Nikka Distillery : Yoichi Country : Japan Region : Hokkaido This Nikka Yoichi Heavily Peated whisky is characterized by the fragrance of aged casks, a mellow well-rounded palate, and a bold powerful taste. Nikka Yoichi Heavily Peated, released in September 2015 and only 3000 bottles were made. Yoichi Heavily Peated is a version where peat is the main focus and created from heavily peated single malts only. It will proudly express the intense character of the distillery throughout the taste of peat. |