Hanyu 2000 14 years Single Cask 羽生蒸餾所 2000 14年 撲克牌 單桶 (700ml 60%) 羽生 Hanyu ,是一所日本威士忌蒸餾廠和其同名威士忌的名字。 Hanyu 羽生蒸餾所,是由 Akuto 家族所建立。Akuto 的家族釀酒事業,源起於 1626 年於 Chichibu 秩父市建立的清酒業務。家族的第十九代傳人 Isouji 於 1941 年於 Hanyu 羽生市建立了一所蒸餾廠,當時仍然是二戰期間,物資理應非常短缺,但 Isouji 卻於當時建廠,不知是否另有故事。酒廠的正式牌照於 1946 年戰後才獲發出。 酒廠於八十年代添置了一對銅壺蒸餾器,生產傳統蘇格蘭風格的威士忌。羽生於 1990 年發行了一款名為 Chichibu 的單一麥芽威士忌, 向其家族事業的發源地致敬 (此 Chichibu 威士忌可不是今天的 Chichibu)。 羽生的單一麥芽威士忌是蘇格蘭的傳統風格, 採用優質材料和細緻工藝製作。 酒廠: 羽生 產區: 日本 年份: 14年 桶型: 義大利葡萄酒渣蒸餾酒桶 桶號: 123 蒸餾: 2000年 裝瓶: 2014年 數量: 345 瓶 |
Hanyu 2000 14 years Single Cask Bottling Note~ Hanyu Distillery was founded in 1941 by Isouji Akuto, a descendant of a long line of sake producers. Located north-west of Tokyo in Saitama prefecture, Hanyu distillery was built in the city of the same name, and is surrounded by vast rice fields supplied with river Tone water. In 1980 the distillery started the production of single malt whisky, with the purchase of two scotish “pot stills”. But success is not to visit the distillery stops producing whisky in 2000, and have finally being destroyed in 2004. Remaining stocks previously stored on the site, were recovered by Ichiro Akuto (grand-son of the founder of Hanyu) assisted by a sake-maker Sasanokawa Shuzo, and were kept there until 2008 when they were transferred to Chichibu, a new distillery founded by Ichiro Akuto. Distillery: Hanyu Region: JAPAN Vintage: 14 yo Distilled: 2000 Bottled: 2014 Cask Num : 123 Cask Type: Grappa Finish Amount : 345 BT |