Hakushu Heavily Peated 白州 重泥煤 (700ml 48%) 三得利「白州蒸餾廠」於1973年山崎蒸餾廠建廠50年後所設立,當時設立的目的是為了取得更多樣化的原酒,以豐富三得利威士忌產品系列。 白州蒸餾廠位於海拔700公尺的山梨縣白鳥町,水質較山崎水源更為柔軟,加上四周森林環抱帶來的清新空氣,孕育出白州蒸餾廠的麥芽原酒中清新雅緻的花草風味,與山崎蒸餾廠截然不同的清新風味,就是白州讓所有品酒名家為之驚喜之處。 為展現旗下白州蒸餾廠原酒的多樣風貌,台灣三得利推出「白州重泥煤」單一麥芽威士忌,嚴選白州內深具煙燻味的麥芽原酒調製而成,清雅泥煤風味,呈現出與蘇格蘭截然不同的泥煤風情。全台限量996瓶。 行家報告~ 色澤:琥珀色帶紅光 氣味:橡膠,碘,泥炭,胡椒,乾草 口感:泥炭,火腿,胡椒,草,李子,蜂蜜,雪松,肉桂,奶油,甜椒 尾韻:令人回味悠長。 |
Hakushu Heavily Peated Bottling Note~ Peated Single Malt,100% Malted Barley from a single Distillery. Dried with peat. Cask Type:used Bourbon, Hogshead, Punchen, Sherry Casks. When you get a category as hot as Japanese whisky, a distillate as good as Hakushu's AND it's peated as well, you know you've got a hit on your hands, and this doesn't disappoint. Sukhinder has been raving about this one. Tasting Note~ Color: Amber with red light rim Nose: Rubber and Iodine, Peat and Pepper, Hay. Palate: Peat, Ham and Pepper, Grass, Plum and Honeycomb, Cedar and Cinnamon Cream, Bell Pepper. Finish: Wow. Long and memorable |