Hanyu 15 years Ichiro's Malt 羽生 15年 (700ml 46.5%)~ 羽生蒸餾廠是小型獨立的蒸餾廠,因經營不善在2000年左右停止蒸餾後關廠。和一般關廠威士忌命運不同的是,此廠創辦人後代由於不甘家族產業消失,決定將當時關廠後賣出的400桶原酒買回,將老酒重新包裝推出系列限量酒款。由於風味獨特而細緻,與日本大廠的風味完全不同,很受藏家喜愛。 經典羽生,香氣十足,酒體微甜,充滿風味及層次,口感及尾韻都值得您親身品嚐! |
Hanyu Distillery was founded in 1941 by Isouji Akuto, a descendant of a long line of sake producers. Located north-west of Tokyo in Saitama prefecture, Hanyu distillery was built in the city of the same name, and is surrounded by vast rice fields supplied with river Tone water. In 1980 the distillery started the production of single malt whisky, with the purchase of two scotish “pot stills”. But success is not to visit the distillery stops producing whisky in 2000, and have finally being destroyed in 2004. Remaining stocks previously stored on the site, were recovered by Ichiro Akuto (grand-son of the founder of Hanyu) assisted by a sake-maker Sasanokawa Shuzo, and were kept there until 2008 when they were transferred to Chichibu, a new distillery founded by Ichiro Akuto. Tasting Note ~ Another, typically Hanyu, sugar malt juicy salvo; a degree of tangy buzz; oozes character and quality. |