“Karuizawa Thousand Arrows” is a special edition released in 2015. Featuring the three hero of "The Last Stand of the Kusunoki Heroes at Shijo-Nawate", an ukiyo-e painting by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. This battle was between the army of the Southern Court and the Northern Court. In the painting, the leader Kusunoki Masatsura and his followers Wada Shinbochi Kenshu and Wada Shinbei Masatomo press forward despite a dense hail of arrows. Facing death fearlessly.“Karuizawa Thousand Arrows” is a set of 3 bottles, from the cask distilled in 1980, 1981 and 1982. Only 257 sets globally. By matching the beautiful Karuizawa whisky with the glorious piece of art, we proudly present you “Karuizawa Thousand Arrows” as a mark of courage.
Distilled in 1980 / Bottled in 2015 Cask# 8317 / ABV 56.5% / 700mL Distilled in 1981 / Bottled in 2015 Cask# 6355 / ABV 59.8% / 700mL Distilled in 1982 / Bottled in 2015 Cask# 2510 / ABV 55.2% / 700mL