Compass Box Delilah's XXV 威海指南針 龐克炸彈25週年紀念版 2018限量 調和威士忌(700ml 46%) 芝加哥傳奇龐克威士忌酒吧Delilah的25週年紀念,再次與威海指南針攜手合作,特地將2013首發龐克炸彈20週年紀念版,熟成於美國白橡木桶至今五年時間,加入Delilah主人Mike Miller力薦的西班牙雪莉桶威士忌,造就出這款新一代經典蘇格蘭威士忌,2018年裝瓶限量上市! 香氣充滿果乾、辛香料、雪莉酒,口感柔和飽滿帶著香草及辛香料,尾韻如奶油般口感並散發著新鮮果香。 ◆酒款配方: Delilah’s 20th Anniversary : Refill American Barrel (29%) Cameronbridge︰First fill American Barrel 穀物威士忌(10.5%) Miltonduff︰First fill American Barrel 麥芽威士忌 (10.5%) Teaninich︰First fill Sherry Butt 麥芽威士忌(20%) The Town of Aberlour︰First fill Sherry Butt 麥芽威士忌(15%) Linkwood︰First fill Sherry Butt︰麥芽威士忌(15%) |
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the legendary Chicago punk rock whisky bar, Delilah's, Compass Box have once again created a limited edition Scotch whisky in collaboration with owner and whisky enthusiast, Mike Miller. The recipe for our second Compass Box homage to Delilah’s was built around a small parcel of the original Compass Box Delilah’s blend released in 2013 - a luscious, American oak-aged whisky that we aged in cask for a further five years. With this as a base, Mike suggested adding malt whisky aged in Spanish Sherry casks, also made of American oak. The result is a delicious Scotch whisky with notes of vanilla and spice, and rich Sherry character. It’s another incarnation of the shared vision Mike and I have for whiskies that everyone can appreciate and enjoy! |