Arran Amarone Cask Finish Single Malt Whisky 愛倫 阿馬龍紅酒桶 (700ml 50%) 此酒於傳統橡木桶中陳年9年之後,再過桶至釀酒師精選義大利阿馬龍紅酒桶中陳年9個月。耀眼光亮的黃銅色酒液,散發黑巧克力、太妃糖、糖煮蜜洋梨與蜂蜜香,接著出現烤杏仁與些許蔓越莓果香,兌水後可進一步捕捉到咖啡、柑橘巧克力及醇厚的奶油糖果氣息。濃郁的黑李香與苦甜的杏桃味道激盪出肉桂香氣,風味完美平衡,是一款細緻、集中的經典威士忌。 |
After initially maturing in traditional oak casks over a number of years The Arran Single Malt in this bottling was ‘finished’ in a selection of Amarone wine casks sourced from an artisan producer of this stunning & iconic red wine from the Veneto region of Italy. Master Distiller of Arran Distillery, James MacTaggart, has carefully monitored this period of secondary maturation to ensure the perfect balance is struck between the Amarone casks and the intrinsic sweet-fruity character of The Arran Malt. The end result is a Single Malt with a rich brooding character, full of complexity and quality. |