The Balvenie 2003 14 Years Peat Week 百富14年 泥煤 單一麥芽威士忌 (700ml 48.3%) THE BALVENIE百富推出14年2003年版Peat Week泥煤單一麥芽威士忌, Peat Week 系列是百富首度推出以自家泥煤製作的的百分百泥煤威士忌,而這款酒是在2002年由百富首席調酒師David Stewart大衛史都華以及前酒廠經理Ian Millar和格蘭父子旗下威士忌專家們帶領下,所創作出的獨創實驗結晶,使用100%泥煤烘烤的麥芽,蒸餾出充滿泥煤風味的威士忌,並放置在精心挑選出美國橡木桶中熟成14年,此酒款擁有我們所熟悉的百富威士忌香甜蜂蜜水果特色之外,更有濃郁煙燻氣息,完美平衡泥煤及甘甜蜂蜜風味,打造出百富另一款全新的酒款,威士忌愛好者絕不能錯過。 THE BALVENIE百富14年泥煤單一麥芽威士忌,自2002年起百富酒廠每年會有一周時間專門來製作此款威士忌,並將這周稱之為Peat Week,此系列產量稀少且罕見,於台灣、美國、英國及數個歐洲國家限定發售。針對此酒款大衛史都華則分享:「在2001年開始Peat Week酒款實驗時,我們想要嘗試創新的事情,很高興在2017年推出14年泥煤單一麥芽威士忌 (Peat Week)和14年泥煤三桶威士忌(Peated Triple Cask),收到各界熱烈回響,而今年推出的2003年版百富14年Peat Week 泥煤單一麥芽威士忌保留了百富經典的香草、蜂蜜以及奶油糖風味外,更增添了柔和的泥煤煙燻氣息。」大衛史都華也提及:「能夠嘗試不同的威士忌製程和貯酒方式,且親自管理酒廠酒窖,是我們作為家族經營酒廠所獨享的創作空間。百富多年來,不斷創新和嘗試打造出不同於以往百富的酒款。而今年推出的百富14年2003年版泥煤單一麥芽威士忌就是一個典型的範例。」百富以意想不到的方式呈現出品牌愛好者所擁戴的百富經典風味,更展現出具備了創新與前瞻性的品牌精神。 行家報告~ 香氣 : 柔和的泥煤煙燻及淡雅花香及甜美的蜂蜜氣息 口感 : 絲絨的圓滑但有柑橘香氣,香草味帶點橡木香以及綻放的蜂蜜氣息 尾韻 : 柔和泥煤煙燻餘韻及奶油香草的甜味口感 |
The Balvenie Peat Week Aged 14 Years (2003 Vintage) is the result of trials undertaken in 2001 by The Balvenie Malt Master David C. Stewart MBE and our former distillery manager Ian Millar. At a time when few Speyside distilleries were using peat in production, The Balvenie decided to distil a batch of heavily peated malt, which was laid down to mature at the distillery in Dufftown, Scotland. Ever since then we’ve dedicated one week each year, named Peat Week, to using 100% Highland peat to dry our barley. Instead of coastal elements of iodine, salt and medicinal characteristics so commonly associated with Islay peat, Highland peat imparts earthy, woody smoke notes. This means that even though Peat Week is made using heavily peated malt (30ppm) it has an unexpected sweetness deeply rooted in the Speyside regional character. The Balvenie Peat Week Aged 14 Years (2003 Vintage) is a single vintage bottling, limited and rare by nature. This non-chill filtered expression is bottled at 48.3% ABV and matured solely in American Oak casks, providing a velvety and round taste with woody peat smoke balancing oaky vanilla and honey. Tasting Notes~ Nose: Gentle sweet peat smoke with some lighter floral notes and delicate butterscotch honey. Taste: Velvety and round to taste with the peat smoke balancing citrus flavours, oaky vanilla and blossom honey. Finish: Gentle smoke with a lingering and creamy vanilla sweetness. |