Macallan 1700 Series Chairman's Release 麥卡倫 1700系列 紫鑽 (700ml 43%)
專為頂級鑒賞家量身打造的麥卡倫1700系列,包括銀鑽(Director’s Edition)、金鑽(President’s Edition)和紫鑽(Chairman‘s Edition)三款產品。1700系列秉持麥卡倫 ( The Macallan ) 的傳統工藝,全程由同一酒廠釀造和裝瓶,屬於最珍貴的單一麥芽威士忌。釀酒大師為該系列精心甄選出100%最頂級的歐洲雪莉橡木桶來陳年酒液,並判斷和挑選出達到最成熟階段的酒液進行裝瓶。整個陳釀過程不使用任何人工添加物,堅持了酒液最純粹的色澤和香味。紫鑽(Chairman‘s Edition)為1700系列中之高階旗艦款,限定區域市場版。
This is the flagship of the 1700 series of Macallan: the "Chairman's Release," was bottled for Chinese market. Allied Glass designed and manufactured the flask for the Edrington Groups Chairmans Release single malt whisky. Manufactured in stunning premium flint Gicel Glass, this heavy weight modern style flask has a beautifully slender silhouette created by the sweeping facets which enhance the sides of the bottle.