That Boutique-y Whisky Co. Port Ellen 33 years 波特艾倫 33年 漫畫標 單桶 第六版 (500ml 47.5%) 第六版 限量250瓶 2017年3月發行 裝瓶廠簡介~ That Boutique-y Whisky Company是一家新興的獨立裝瓶廠,2012年首度發表無年份酒款,分別來自Ardbeg、Macallan兩大品牌,以及Caperdonich、Port Ellen兩家已停產關閉的酒廠,首四批裝瓶成功打響了名號。公司成立雖然僅短短五年,至今已開發了100項產品線、裝瓶超過230個批次,並得到多項國際獎項肯定,其中Macallan 25年 Batch 5 榮獲2017年威士忌聖經97分、年度最佳單桶及最佳蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌之高度評價。 That Boutique-y目前已和蘇格蘭超過60家的蒸餾廠合作過(包含多家已關廠的,例如近期傳出將復廠的Brora和Port Ellen),以及來自英國、愛爾蘭、德國、澳洲、印度、荷蘭、瑞士、美國等世界各地釀酒廠的單一麥芽及單一穀物威士忌,每款皆為小批次限量裝瓶。有些酒廠因主要生產供應調和原酒,其產品在市面上極為少見,在That Boutique-y裝瓶廠也能找得到。 趣味酒標~ 知名的Port Ellen收藏家- Fiddler's威士忌酒吧老闆Jon Beach,坐在酒廠靠海的Port Ellen港邊,手裡拿著檸檬糖和麂皮,代表Port Ellen威士忌中帶有的檸檬果香及皮革味兩種特色風格 行家報告~ 香氣︰煙燻太妃糖,鹹味燒烤檸檬,潮濕的林地土壤 口感︰豐富,香甜,煙燻。水果味口香糖,柑橘,深沉的泥土煙燻味。 尾韻︰鹹甘草,柑橘,泥炭,韻味持久延續 得獎紀錄~ 2017年IWSC國際葡萄酒季烈酒競賽-金牌 2017年蘇格蘭威士忌大師競賽-大師獎 |
Batch 6 is a release of 250 bottles. Released: March 2017 Bottler Information~ That Boutique-y Whisky Company is an independent bottler which offers stunning whiskies from world-renowned brands and distilleries. Each bottle has a fun and informative graphic-novel-style label containing humorous references, in-jokes and shocking puns. Bottle Description~ Perhaps the most legendary of all the closed distilleries, Port Ellen continues to have a massive following despite its doors being shut over well over 30 years ago. It was founded on the Isle of Islay back in 1825 near the centre of the town that shares its name. Though it was closed for a good portion of the early 1900s, it reopened in 1966, only to be closed in 1983, around the time that many other Scottish whisky distilleries were closed too. Their stock has become rare and sought-after by whisky enthusiasts. This Port Ellen label features Jon Beach of Fiddler’s Whisky Bar, a notable Port Ellen collector, holding a few items that you might be familiar with if you’ve tasted Port Ellen’s whisky before... Tasting Notes~ Nose: Smoky toffee, salty BBQ’d lemons and a damp earthy forest floor. Palate: Rich, sweet, and smoky, Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit chewing gum, spicy citrus notes and a deep, earthy smoke. Finish: Salty liquorice, a citrus tang and earthy peat that lingers for an eternity. Awards~ International Wine & Spirit Competition 2017 - Gold Medal The Scotch Whisky Masters 2017 (The Spirits Business) - Master |