Koval Bourbon Single Barrel Whiskey 科沃 美國波本威士忌 (500ml 47%) ■ 酒廠介紹~ 來自美國的KOVAL,成立於2008年,是美國禁酒令取消後,芝加哥的第一家工藝釀酒廠,屢獲國際各項烈酒大獎肯定。使用來自美國中西部有機農場的天然穀物,以穀物到裝瓶(Grain to Bottle)作為其品牌理念,KOVAL大力支持美國本土的可持續發展農業,所有用於釀造的酶和酵母均為非轉基因改造產品,並以小批次生產,使每次釀造的酒品珍貴且獨特;蒸餾過程使用來自世界最大淡水湖群五大湖之一的密西根湖,並以天然木炭進行凈化;明尼蘇達的知名橡木桶製造商The Barrel Mill 為KOVAL精心打造每一只用於威士忌釀造的橡木桶,每一只橡木桶都只用於釀造一次威士忌,以保證威士忌能最大程度地吸收橡木的芳香。 除了釀造傳統的波本、裸麥威士忌外,KOVAL並創新使用燕麥、小米為製酒原料,其深具時尚感的簡練瓶身,也成為品牌的一大特色。所有的KOVAL酒款皆為「單桶」概念出廠,裝瓶前不另做調和,KOVAL以嚴謹的製作工法,融合美國在地的優質原料,儼然成為最具風格的新時代釀酒廠。 ■ 酒款介紹~ Koval的單桶波本威士忌採用超過51%的玉米作為原料,同時添加小米,而非傳統的裸麥或小麥。細細品味,芒果的甜酸和香草的清新讓這款波本威士忌與眾不同,最後濃醇的太妃糖餘味為其更添一番韻味。 |
Koval Bourbon Single Barrel Whiskey~ KOVAL Distillery’s organic, single barrel bourbon has the requisite mash bill of at least 51% corn, but instead of the usual rye or wheat supplement, they have included one of the main cereals of Asia and Africa. Millet is a gluten-free ancient sustenance grain, and like corn, has a history of working in the spirits industry, albeit in Nepal, where it has long been celebrated as a libation of choice. Tucked away in a charred new American oak barrel to age, millet and corn learn to complement each other, neither taking the lead. Out of the bottle, this duet opens with notes of mango chutney, while the millet renders a soft whisper of vanilla throughout. Then harmonizing, the grains sing with the sweetness of apricot custard. This pair finishes with peppery caramel, a diminuendo into a wisp of clove-spiked tobacco lingering on the tongue. |