Ledaig 1972 Dùsgadh 42 Years 里爵 42年 幻夢甦醒 單一純麥威士忌 (700ml 46.7%) 1798年創立的Tobermory是蘇格蘭最古老的威士忌酒廠之一,位於蘇格蘭西邊的茂爾島(Isle of Mull),也是該島上唯一的酒廠。Tobermory酒廠旗下目前擁有「托本莫瑞(Tobermory)」和「里爵(Ledaig)」兩個品牌,分別生產不同風格的單一麥芽威士忌,簡單來說,以Tobermory出品的為無泥煤款,Ledaig則是帶有煙燻泥煤味。 這瓶特別的Ledaig 42年,1972年蒸餾,是Tobermory自1930年代關廠、1972年重新營運後首批生產釀造的單一麥芽原酒,2014年限量裝瓶發行500瓶。 Dùsgadh在蓋爾語中是「復甦覺醒」的意思,Tobermory酒廠於1930年代關廠後,直到1972年才重新開張,而此酒款就是復廠後第一批蒸餾釀製的單一麥芽威士忌,而當時所使用的銅製蒸餾器於2014年退役汰換,此款酒瓶及外盒包裝則部分運用了舊蒸餾器所留下的銅,並且內附一份銅製卡,讓這瓶威士忌的擁有者可至Tobermory官網註冊登記,之後在2024年可獲得一瓶Ledaig 10年Dèanta威士忌,該酒是同樣由該舊的銅蒸餾器在2014年退役前最後蒸餾生產的,而Dèanta是蓋爾語「結束」的意思,象徵並記錄了Tobermory酒廠內一段由重生到結束的美麗歷程。 行家報告~ 色澤:琥珀色 嗅覺:煙燻,蜂蜜葡萄乾,核桃,核桃,橙香奶油,蜂蠟, 李子,烤杏仁,麥芽牛奶,堅果,太妃糖,蘋果,泥土,植物 口感:泥炭,蜜糖,堅果,糖漿,黑醋栗,巧克力蛋糕,苦可可粉,杏桃醬 尾韻:白甜酒,橙橘,葡萄乾,鬆餅,橘子醬,煙燻,大地,層次精彩 |
Ledaig 1972 Dùsgadh 42 Years Single Malt Whiksy~ The long anticipated 42 Year Old Dùsgadh is a 1972 vintage, from the year the distillery was reopened following a gap that stretched to the 1930s. Some of the first spirit to run from the new stills, 'Dùsgadh' is Gaelic for 'awakening', and the beautiful copper packaging commemorates those very stills, which were finally retired in 2014.This is also the last of the distillery's peated stock from before 1996. Included is a momento card, made of copper from the old stills, which entitles the bearer to inherit a bottle of Ledaig 10 Year Old Dèanta (Gaelic for 'finished') in 2024, a special bottling of some of the final spirit the stills produced, beautifully bookending a period in Tobermory distillery's history. Tasting Notes~ Color : Amber Nose: smoky dates, honey raisins, walnuts, Walnut Whips, orange cream Revels, beeswax. Plums, toasted almonds, Malted Milks, Crunchy Nut Clusters, toffee apple , earthy and vegetal Palate: peat rich honeyed nuts, treacle and blackcurrant , delightfully, chocolate cake, delicious bitter cocoa , layer of apricot jam. Finish: Sultanas, orange and raisin muffins, marmalade and drying smoke, becoming quite sooty after a few minutes, but also retaining that earthiness from the nose. |