KI NO BI Kyoto Dry Gin 季の美 京都蒸餾所 日本首款國產琴酒 (700ml 45.7%) 打造日式傳統內涵的作品,就從歷史古都「京都」開始 日本首支在地生產自釀的琴酒,從蒸餾、調配到裝瓶全程在日本京都完成 一款以白米為基底蒸餾的琴酒,融合京都純淨的伏見の名水,並加入精選自日本11種在地植物原料增添香味,以獨特的工藝製程,將其分為六大調性配方,包含:基底(杜松子、鳶尾根、檜木),柑橘(柚子皮、檸檬),茶香(宇治玉露綠茶),辛香(生薑),花香(紅紫蘇、笹竹葉);草本(山椒、山椒芽葉),先分別蒸餾萃取後,最後以完美比例互相調和,創造出充滿東方日式優雅的味道。 京都蒸餾所創立於2015年,是日本第一家琴酒蒸餾廠,由英國一番公司(Number One Drinks)創辦人Marcin Miller和David Croll共同打造。 |
KI NO BI (‘The Beauty of the Seasons’) is inspired by tradition and is distilled, blended and bottled in Kyoto. Our gin is made in a recognisable dry style but with a distinct Japanese accent. KI NO BI Kyoto Dry Gin is created with Japanese botanicals such as yellow yuzu from the north of Kyoto Prefecture, hinoki wood chips (Japanese cypress), bamboo, gyokuro tea from the Uji region and green sanshō (Japanese peppercorn) berries. Bottled at 45.7% ABV, KI NO BI uses a rice spirit base and peerless water sourced in the famous sake–brewingdistrict, Fushimi. Mastering not only the science of distillation as others have done before, but also the age-old art of blending, we separate the botanicals in our gin into six different categories: Base, Citrus, Tea, Herbal, Spice and Floral and distil each category individually. Then we blend them in perfect balance and create the distinct KI NO BI flavour. |