That Boutique-y Whisky Co. Macallan 30 years 麥卡倫 30年 漫畫標 單桶 第七版 (500ml 46.5%) 第七版 限量發行 272 瓶 裝瓶廠簡介~ That Boutique-y Whisky Company是一家新興的獨立裝瓶廠,2012年首度發表無年份酒款,分別來自Ardbeg、Macallan兩大品牌,以及Caperdonich、Port Ellen兩家已停產關閉的酒廠,首四批裝瓶成功打響了名號。公司成立雖然僅短短五年,至今已開發了100項產品線、裝瓶超過230個批次,並得到多項國際獎項肯定,其中Macallan 25年 Batch 5 榮獲2017年威士忌聖經97分、年度最佳單桶及最佳蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌之高度評價。 That Boutique-y目前已和蘇格蘭超過60家的蒸餾廠合作過(包含多家已關廠的,例如近期傳出將復廠的Brora和Port Ellen),以及來自英國、愛爾蘭、德國、澳洲、印度、荷蘭、瑞士、美國等世界各地釀酒廠的單一麥芽及單一穀物威士忌,每款皆為小批次限量裝瓶。有些酒廠因主要生產供應調和原酒,其產品在市面上極為少見,在That Boutique-y裝瓶廠也能找得到。 趣味酒標~ Macallan的這款圖像,畫著一個男人睜大眼拿著放大鏡看著麥卡倫著名的小型蒸餾器,在這裡您覺得是一個巨人在看正常大小尺寸的蒸餾器? 還是一個正常大小的人在看蒸餾器的仿製小模型? 或是一個正常大小的人在看正常版的小蒸餾器? 行家報告~ 色澤:琥珀銅色 嗅覺:夏季水果,黑梅,無花果,糖漿,橡木 口感:果仁巧克力脆餅,水果,橡木,複雜精彩 尾韻:長,黑巧克力,紅酒,甘草 |
Batch 7 is a release of 272 bottles. Bottler Information~ That Boutique-y Whisky Company is an independent bottler which offers stunning whiskies from world-renowned brands and distilleries. Each bottle has a fun and informative graphic-novel-style label containing humorous references, in-jokes and shocking puns. Bottle Description~ A legend of Speyside - Macallan. Massively popular and always in constant demand, Macallan have a sizeable distillery capable of producing over 10 million litres of alcohol a year, and there’s plans to make that massive number even bigger ! On the label of our Macallan, there’s a giant man looking at Macallan’s Curiously Small Stills. Or is it a regular-sized man looking at a tiny replica of the Curiously Small Stills? Or is it a regular-sized man looking at the Curiously Small Stills which are in fact absolutely tiny?! It’s a riddle for the ages. Tasting Note~ Color: Amber bronze. Nose: Summer fruits, blackberries fresh from the hedgerow and deep fig notes with a core of treacle goodness. Palate: Tastes like Florentine biscuits! Touch of fruit and dignified oak provide further complexity. Finish: Dark chocolate ganache and liquorice. |