Longmorn 23 years 朗摩 23年 單一麥芽威士忌 (700ml 48%) 朗摩酒廠於2016年推出的全新核心酒款之一,使用傳統橡木桶陳年後勾兌裝瓶,非冷凝過濾。少見的朗摩OB原廠裝瓶酒款,高年份優秀酒質及精品質感包裝,內外兼具,呈現出不同以往形象的Longmorn。 行家報告~ 香氣:香草、奶油焦糖、牛奶巧克力、蜂蜜。 口感:成熟梨子、蘋果、薑汁蛋糕。 尾韻:長,柔順香醇。 得獎紀錄~ 2017年國際葡萄酒暨烈酒競賽(IWSC)金牌 |
Longmorn 23 years Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky~ Longmorn presented its new core range in 2016, the new expression will be joined by Longmorn 23 Year Old, which has been aged in traditional oak casks and is also non-chill-filtered. Tasting Notes~ Nose: Soft vanilla fudge and creamy caramel, dipped in milk chocolate and honey. Taste: The taste leads with ripe pears and sweet red apples interlaced with tantalizingly spiced ginger cake. Finish: An exceptionally long and velvety smooth finish. Award~ International Wine & Spirit Competition 2017 – Gold Medal |