Maker’s 46 Bourbon Whiskey 美格46 波本威士忌 (750ml 47%) 來自肯塔基州的美格威士忌於1958年推出以來,標榜手工釀製,是美國波本威士忌的經典代表之一,純手工的蠟封沿著瓶頸流洩而下是其特色標記。 在美格威士忌推出50多年後,蒸餾廠企圖創造出一項全新的商品,在原來美格威士忌傳統風味的基礎上,希望能特別強化焦糖及香草味,並降低造成苦澀感主因的單寧,故酒廠與木桶製造商合作,經由不斷地實驗嘗試使用各種配方做法, 他們先將已熟成的美格威士忌從木桶中取出,在橡木桶中置入10根雙面輕微燒烤過的法國橡木條,之後把酒液填回桶中,並在低溫的地窖環境中持續熟成2~3個月的時間,此道工序加強了木桶對酒液的影響力,增添更複雜的風味層次。 美格46威士忌在推出前進行了無數次的實驗,包含燒烤木材的不同溫度及炭化程度對酒液風味的影響,桶匠將這些特殊的木條編號建檔,並累積創造了上百個實驗桶,而美格46就是使用檔案編號46木條之作品,故這款威士忌以46命名。 「美格46」於2010年起推出上市,維持以small batch小批次形式少量生產,採限量引進,推薦作為初次嘗試波本威士忌的入門酒款。 行家報告~ 香氣︰帶點木質氣息,並蘊含焦糖和甜味,沒有酒精強烈的刺激感。 口感︰強勁豐富,木質味道在口腔中逐漸釋放增強,並完美交融著香草及焦糖甜味,呈現深層、複雜且濃郁的風味。 尾韻︰柔順細緻,充滿甜香料的辛香韻味。 |
Maker's 46 Bourbon Whiskey~ Maker's 46 is the same great bourbon whiskey that are used to in those iconic red wax-dipped bottles. There have simply been a few changes in the aging process that make it special. After Maker's Mark Bourbon is fully matured, charred French oak staves are inserted inside each barrel to begin the transformation into Maker's 46. These barrels are then aged for an additional 2 to 3 months and only during the winter when the maturation process is naturally slower. Just as is the case with Maker's Mark, this bourbon has no defined age statement. Instead, it is removed from the barrel when the distillers deem it finished. Tasting Notes~ Nose: Hints of wood staves, caramel and sweetness. More intense aroma without an alcohol nose. Taste: Very intense flavors; a big crescendo of wood blending perfectly with deep, complex and rich notes of vanilla and caramel. Finish: Smooth and subtle. Long with a little sweet spice. |