Kentucky Gentleman 4 years Straight Bourbon 肯德基老爹 4年 美國波本威士忌 (750ml 40%) Kentucky Gentleman並不是單純的波本,而實際上是一款混調威士忌,是百分之五十五的波本酒,在加百分之四十九的穀類烈酒。此款威士忌酒由美國Barton酒廠生產。 行家報告~ 色澤:深金色 嗅覺:果味,焦糖,太妃糖,深色水果,香料。 口感:堅果,中上酒體,強烈濃郁水果,香草,香料 尾韻:長,平衡圓順,帶甜,咖啡 |
Kentucky Gentleman 4 years Straight Bourbon~ Kentucky Gentleman is wrongly thought of as a bourbon, but in reality it is a blended whiskey, which is 51% bourbon and 49% grain spirits. The whiskey is made by Barton Brand. Tasting Notes~ Color: Amber brown copper Nose: Flavor with equal measures of caramel and corn sweetness Palate: Plenty of tangy fruit with vanilla spice and rounded char. Finish: Smooth vanilla knock-off cough syrup. |