Ardbeg 1815 雅柏 1815 單一麥芽威士忌 (700ml 50.1%) Ardbeg蒸餾廠創立於1815年,至今歷經多次關廠風雨及營運低潮,如今復甦已成為全球泥煤威士忌愛好者推崇的代表性品牌之一。為慶祝建廠200週年,在2015年發表了這款直接以創建年份命名的特殊酒款,以紀念酒廠建立至今所寫下的艾雷傳奇。 從Ardbeg酒窖內精選出1974年波本桶及1975年雪莉桶,兩種桶陳酒齡33年的威士忌加以混合調配,移至玻璃容器中儲存,再經歷約8年後裝瓶上市,限量400瓶。 行家報告~ 色澤︰飽滿深沉的琥珀色。 香氣︰醇厚誘人,最初散發交織著甜美的木頭煙燻與蘭姆葡萄冰淇淋的衝鼻辛香,之後呈現剛出爐新鮮麵包的烘焙香味,以及濃郁的黑松露巧克力、黑櫻桃和茴香的豐富氣息。 口感︰酒體細緻滑順,入口帶有茉莉花、紅茶、太妃糖、柳橙及肉桂、胡椒、八角等混合香料的風味,與煙燻味交互融合,達到完美平衡。 尾韻︰豐富綿長,擁有葡萄乾及椰棗的餘韻,甜美令人回味。 |
Ardbeg 1815 Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky~ A limited edition bottled to commemorate the distilleries 200th anniversary from Ardbeg Distillery. This is a mix of 1974 bourbon and 1975 sherry , two 33 years old casks, was vatted together in a glass container for around 8 years. Only 400 of these bottles were released. Tasting Notes~ Colour︰Rich, deep amber. Nose︰Mellow and seductive, but firm and powerful at the same time, most definitely announcing its presence. A beautiful fragrance of sweet woodsmoke to start with, interwoven with a heady, pungent aroma reminiscent of rum and raisin ice cream. Then comes an array of scents straight from the bakery – croissants, brioche and freshly baking bread. Befitting a whisky of this vintage, rich notes of dark chocolate truffle are encountered, along with black cherry and aniseed. Palate︰A texture which is creamy, smooth and ever-so-slightly mouthwatering carries into a breathtaking mouthwatering carries into a breathtaking spectrum of flavours: jasmine and Lapsang Souchong teas, abundant sweet toffee notes, a cornucopia of spices (cinnamon, pepper, star anise and mixed spice) and juicy, ripe Seville oranges. The smoke is almost unbelievably well-integrated, persisting throughout the sumptuous taste experience, yet never overpowering the other myriad and complex flavours. Finish︰Long, with an abundance of raisins and dates. A finish as sweet as the memories it leaves behind |