Bowmore 10 years Forth Bridge Centennial 波摩 10年 福斯鐵道橋百年紀念瓷瓶 (750ml 40%) 歷時七年、投入大量人物力資源建立的「福斯橋 (Forth Rail Bridge)」,位於英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡西側,是跨越福斯河的鐵路橋,1890年3月4日在當時的威爾斯王子(後即位為愛德華七世國王)主持完工大典後正式啟用,至今每天仍有上百輛列車在橋上運行。福斯橋為維多利亞時代建築工程的重要成就,已被列為世界遺產。2004年英國更曾以福斯橋為主題發行一英鎊錢幣。 1990年,為慶祝福斯鐵道橋完工一百週年,波摩酒廠特別發行了這瓶紀念酒款,限量1200瓶。整組包含原廠完整包裝盒及手寫瓶號證書。 |
Bowmore 10 years Forth Bridge Centennial ~ Forth Bridge was the most prominent steel structure when it became operational in 1890. The cantilever railway bridge was built across the Firth of Forth at Queensferry, 14km west of Edinburgh. It still continues to remain a significant and admirable engineering structure of the Victorian era. Bowmore 10 year old Islay single malt, distilled and bottled to celebrate the centennial of the Forth Bridge in 1990. One of only 1200 bottles produced. |