Macallan 62 years LALIQUE V 麥卡倫 璀璨 62年 萊儷水晶 極致收藏 (700ml 53.1%) 麥卡倫與法國百年精品水晶品牌萊儷(Lalique)再次榮耀攜手合作,打造「麥卡倫璀璨Lalique 六大標柱系列」的第五件作品。承襲了前四款卓越水晶工藝精心打造的輝煌光環,酒瓶內盛裝的是更為珍貴稀有的麥卡倫62年單一麥芽威士忌,全球限量400瓶,為酒迷與藝術收藏家眼中的夢幻逸品。 手工水晶瓶身設計靈感來自於麥卡倫的精神堡壘「Easter Elchies House」,萊儷工匠將水晶精心雕刻和磨砂,仿真莊園建築的砂石牆磚,平伸正面的浮刻JEG的英文縮寫,是向1700年莊園建立者Captain John Grant的致敬。 行家報告~ 香氣︰馥郁而芳香。首先撲鼻而來的是香濃的太妃糖漿,轉而聞到葡萄乾和血橙香。接著浮現蘋果派的香醇,點綴著微微的嫩薑、肉桂和巧克力味,不同層次的香草暗飄在其中,再添上柔和的煙燻橡木香圓潤整體氣味。 口感︰入口首先感受到豐富濃郁的葡萄乾果味。甜薑、無花果和雪茄葉接著陸續呈現,最後品嚐到橡木味,圓融了口感以及堆疊出令人驚嘆的繁複層次。 餘韻︰綿長而久久繚繞不散。 |
Macallan 62 years LALIQUE V ~ This is the fifth edition of The Macallan In Lalique, a legendary series from the distillery in Speyside in collaboration with the French masters of crystal, Lalique. At 62 years old, this is the second oldest Macallan ever released. The single malt Scotch whisky spent its lifetime in American oak sherry seasoned casks which were filled in November 1950. The Lalique crystal decanter was inspired by the Easter Elchies House on the Macallan Estate. The frosted, textured sides represent the sandstone walls of the manor house, which was built in 1700 under the careful eye of Captain John Grant, whose initials are featured on the decanter. Only 400 of these Macallan 62 Year Old In Lalique sets have been produced. Tasting Note~ Nose︰Rich and aromatic. Initial burst of treacle/toffee opens up to uncover raisin and blood orange and, deeper still, aromas of apple, sprinkled with ginger, cinnamon and chocolate. Layers of dark vanilla embellished by soft burnished oak. Palate︰Rich dried fruits, with raisin strongly to the fore. Viscous layers of sweet ginger, figs and cigar leaf, before the oak emerges, polished yet showing the complexity of age. Finish︰Long and embracing. |