BenRiach 1966 40 years 班瑞克 1966 40年 經典珍藏組 (700ml 50%) 班瑞克酒廠創立於1898年,但產業蕭條因素,營運生產僅短短兩年的時間,在1900年即面臨關廠的命運,一直到1965年才重新啟動生產。這瓶 BenRiach 40年蒸餾裝桶於1966年,可說是自1965年起復廠初期生產的作品,也是班瑞克酒廠目前最老的存酒酒款之一。這瓶珍貴的40年佳釀,由班瑞克總經理暨首席調酒師Billy Walker親自選桶調配,將2個豬頭橡木桶內的酒液進行完美融合,無焦糖調色、非冷凝過濾,以原桶強度裝瓶,帶有Speyside的經典果香及淡煙燻風味,限量僅265瓶。 每瓶皆有專屬編號,另含精緻紅木盒、50ml小樣酒、白鑞酒壺及真品證書。 行家報告~ 色澤:飽滿的琥珀金色。 香氣:濃郁的蜜瓜香,散發果實氣息,並帶有一絲香料味和細緻的橡木香氣。 口感:經典的Speyside風味,優雅的果香中融合了蜂蜜、榛子、柳橙和黑巧克力,結尾感覺到淡淡煙燻和明顯的橡木木質味。 |
The BenRiach 40YO is bottled at 50% vol. at natural colour , and is non-chill filtered. Each bottle is hand numbered , and comes housed in a mahogany gift box, which also contains a miniature version of the 40YO, an engraved BenRiach pewter hip flask , and a certificate of authenticity signed by managing director and master distiller Billy Walker. This unique bottling truly represents a rare opportunity to own a genuine piece of BenRiach history. Tast Note~ Colour: Rich amber gold. Nose: Rich honeydew melon, orchard fruits with a hint of spice and sophisticated oak-wood notes. Taste: Classical Speyside with elegant orchard fruits in combination with honey, Hazelnut, orange and dark chocolate, with a finale of light smoke and rich oak-wood notes. |