Glen Flagler 1973 30 years 格蘭弗拉格勒 1973 30年 原酒 (700ml 46%) 蒸餾廠介紹︰ Glen Flagler蒸餾廠於1965年由Inver House集團建立,該品牌威士忌的蒸餾器是設置在Glasgow東邊Airdrie的Moffat穀物蒸餾廠,廠區內有幾組的蒸餾器分別生產不同品牌的威士忌,包含Glen Flagler、Killyloch單一麥芽威士忌,以及Garnheath穀物威士忌。Glen Flagler原先是被定位生產供應Inver House調和威士忌所使用的穀物基酒,但很快的就擴增生產單一麥芽威士忌,在1970~1980年代時期,曾裝瓶發行5年、8年及無年份的酒款。可惜產業蕭條因素,Glen Flagler在1985年便停止生產,之後蒸餾器也遭拆除,酒廠永久走入歷史。該蒸餾廠的現址為Inver House的倉庫及總部辦公室。 酒款介紹︰ Glen Flagler蒸餾廠於1965~1985年營運,所釀製的老年份威士忌並不多,目前流通於市面的更是少見。這瓶Glen Flagler 1973限量原酒,是以Glen Flagler珍貴庫存的5個橡木桶威士忌所調配而成,2003年裝瓶,原桶強度、非冷凝過濾,僅發行931瓶。珍藏木盒內附一份真品瓶號證書。 行家報告~ 色澤︰亮金黃色。 香氣︰牛奶糖、太妃糖、蜂蜜氣息中參雜少許的煙燻味。 口感︰輕柔的水果香味中蘊含香草橡木的味道,帶有持久純淨的尾韻。 |
Built in 1965 by Inver House Distillers within the Moffat grain distillery complex, Glenflagler was located closer to England than most other Scottish distilleries. The distillery complex had three sets of two stills, each of which was producing their own type of whisky - two single malt whiskies (by the names of Glen Flagler and Killyloch) and a grain whisky named Garnheath. Glen Flagler was one of several single malts produced at the Moffat distillery in Airdrie from the mid 1965 to 1985. Inver House Distillers Ltd created the distillery on the site of the derelict Moffat Mill paper mills. Even though distilling stopped in the mid 1980s Inver House still use the site for warehousing and as their head office to this day. This bottling is the result of the vatting of several cask – the last 5 of the proprietary stock available. This whisky has been bottled at natural cask strength and unchill-filtered to allow the genuine characteristics of this stunning malt to be enjoyed, only 931 bottles released worldwide. Tasting Note~ Colour︰Bright golden. Aroma︰Notes of fudge, toffee and honey combined with a slight smokiness. Palate︰Soft fruity notes with vanilla oak undertones, leading to a long, clean finish. |