Blanton's Gold Edition Bourbon Whiskey 美國 巴頓 金版 單桶波本原酒 (750ml 51.5%) 來自美國肯塔基州的巴頓波本威士忌,特殊的圓形切面瓶身充滿設計感,經典的瓶塞造型是肯塔基州著名的賽馬,酒標上則以手寫字體註明了出窖日期和橡木桶編號。嚴選優質的橡木桶釀製,酒體濃醇圓潤,質感柔順,餘味豐富悠長。 國家︰美國 地區︰肯塔基州 桶型︰白橡木桶 桶號︰148 行家報告~ 色澤︰深琥珀色。 嗅覺:強勁,澀感,蜂蜜,重黑麥,乾果,香草,巧克力。 口感:辛香感,酒體飽滿豐潤,杏仁,奶油,胡椒,蜂蜜,橡木。 餘韻:長,帶有太妃糖和蘋果味,之後逐漸轉變為山核桃和焦糖尾韻。 得獎紀錄~ 2015年國際葡萄酒暨烈酒競賽(IWSC) 傑出金牌 |
Blanton’s Gold Edition was created for discerning connoisseurs who appreciate exceptional smoothness and clean finish in their bourbon whiskey. This bottle was dumped on 17th May 2013 from Barrel No. 148. It was stored in Warehouse H on Rick No. 13.The rich taste of dark fudge, citrus, oak and cream combined with the spiciness of white pepper and rye lead to a long finish that challenges the world’s finest single malts and rarest cognacs in complexity and character. Country: USA Region: Kentucky Barrel Type: White Oak Barrel No: 148 Tasting Note~ Color: Dark Amber Nose: Powerful and Dry, marked by Honey, Heavy Rye, Dried fruits, Vanilla, and Chocolate. Palate : Sharp, Full and Rich, Marked by Apricot, Butter, Pepper, Light Honey, and Oak Finish: Long, with Toffee and Apple, Developing on Pecan and Caramel Award~ International Wine & Spirits Competition 2015 , Gold Outstanding |