Highland Park 35 years 1967 - Jim McEwan's Celtic Heartlands 高原騎士 35年 1967 (700ml 40.1%) 威士忌權威蒸餾大師Jim McEwan,出生於艾雷島,一生致力於威士忌產業,曾任波摩(Bowmore)和布萊迪(Bruichladdich)蒸餾廠的首席調酒師,憑藉著在威士忌領域40多年的豐富經驗,在任職布萊迪酒廠期間,於2003年親選裝瓶推出Celtic Heartland系列,包含麥卡倫1968 、高原騎士1967 、波摩1968,一組三支尊貴收藏級的單一酒廠麥芽威士忌,嚴選高階酒質裝瓶,不加焦糖、不經冷凝過濾,並依原酒精度在Bruichladdich酒廠以手工裝瓶,呈現最原始的風味,每支威士忌不論在設計及包裝皆符合收藏家和鑑賞家的精美品味。 艾雷島是凱特爾族人(Celt)活動的核心地區,Jim McEwan以 Celtic Heartland為此系列命名,是將威士忌釀酒工藝及凱特爾族的精神作最完美的結合,瓶身設計帶入凱爾特族著名的古老標誌-「鳥」,成雙象徵友誼。 Jim McEwan 吉姆麥克文 高原騎士 35年1967 1967年蒸餾,2002年裝瓶,美國橡木桶熟成,限量722瓶。 行家報告~ 色澤:迷人金。 嗅覺:沿海,海鹽,泥炭,煙霧,薰衣草,青椒,柑橘杏仁,濃又優雅。 口感:泥炭,煙燻火爐,沿海岸鹹味,煙燻,半甘帶甜,橡木清香。 尾韻:美麗海岸氣息,長又細的慢慢地消失。 |
Highland Park 35 years 1967 - Jim McEwan's Celtic Heartlands~ A wonderful selection of Celtic Heartland bottling's, all of which have been specially selected by master distiller Jim McEwan, who has over 40 years in the whisky industry and a wealth of distilling knowledge to his credentials. All of the bottling's come with exquisite presentation cases and are forever in high demand amongst collectors and connoisseurs. Caramel free, have not been chill-filtered and are bottled at their natural strength. The resulting spirits are as close as possible to the way nature intended. Highland Park-35 year old-1967 (700 ml 40.1 %) This Highland Park 1967 35 year old Jim McEwans's Celtic Heartlands edition comes with a presentation case and tasting notes and only 722. American Oak Tasting Note~ Color: Luminous Gold Nose: Coastal , seasalt , peat , smoke , lavender , Greenbells , citrus marzipan , deep and outstanding Palate: Peat , fire place , coastal , smoky , semi sweet dry , oaky Finish: Slowly fades beautifully , coastal |