Highland Park 30 years 高原騎士 30年 舊版小頭瓶 (700ml 48.1%) 此款高原騎士30年裝瓶於2005年,小頭瓶版本目前已絕版。前味帶有石楠花及蜂蜜氣味,之後伴隨著蘋果、橡木及煙燻風味。迷人濃郁的焦糖、大麥及牛奶糖帶來絕佳的味覺層次。 舊版高年份含限量原廠盒,珍藏奇品的您,怎能錯過! 行家報告~ 色澤:深琥珀 嗅覺:樹脂,松木,榛果,奶油香草,果仁糖 口感:完美強勁,煙燻,泥炭,胡椒,焦糖,奶油,牛奶巧克力,咖啡,花草茶,煙草 尾韻:中長,圓潤,複雜,陽剛細膩酒體 |
This version of Highland Park’s acclaimed 30 years old was bottled in 2005. Heather and honey are first on the nose followed by apple and spice with fine oak and smoky backing. Rich and full in beautifully rounded mouth. Great depth of flavours where honey, caramel, barley and fudge all play a part. For its age the oak is very subtle. Tasting Notes~ Color: Full Amber Nose: sawn pine wood, hazelnut, butter, vanilla crème and praline. Really complex and beautiful. Palate: balanced powerful. smoky, peaty, peppery, caramel cream,milk chocolate, cappuccino, herbal tea ,tobacco. Finish: Midium long, the after palate is very complex and refined masculine |