Macallan Edition No.2 麥卡倫 2016年度限量 Editon No.2 (700ml 48.2%) 麥卡倫年度限量系列2016限定版EDITION NO.2單一麥芽威士忌,延續EDITION年度限量系列的精神,承襲自EDITION NO.1即開始的承諾,引領消費者解鎖麥卡倫釀酒大師的傑作,讓人們有機會深入了解決定威士忌風味的元素。在麥卡倫威士忌中,至少80%的風味特性來自於優質的橡木桶,從橡木的產地到專業的製桶、潤桶和桶身尺寸選擇,不同的元素組合最終形塑出威士忌不同的風味呈現。 而麥卡倫釀酒大師Bob Dalgarno與Roca三兄弟,從四個風格獨俱的製桶廠中精心挑選了七種各具特色的橡木桶原酒,勾兌出EDITION NO.2這款頂級佳釀,而其獨特而充滿活力的風味不只來自於這七種風格各具的橡木桶,更源自於如此多元化的元素和擁有世界頂尖味蕾的大師們之間所激盪出的鮮明特質。 此次合作用桶資訊: 這四位充滿創意精神的大師,期待能以2016限定版EDITION NO.2展現出共同創作的精神與精湛工藝的價值。 行家報告~ 色澤:蜜糖金色。 氣味:首先撲鼻的是蜜糖、生薑、蘋果太妃糖和濃郁的果香,接著甜美香草帶著熱帶水果和清新木材層次分明承接而來。 口感:溫潤中帶點磨碎黑胡椒子與丁香的辛香,融合巧克力、紅糖、橡木與核果共譜的和諧口感,甘草與乾果接續呈現。 尾韻:飽滿、悠長、溫潤,令人回味無窮。 |
Macallan Edition No.2 Bottling Note~ The Macallan Edition No. 2 uses a combination of sherry puncheons, butts and refill hogsheads, using both European and American oak. Bottled at a healthy 48.2% ABV. Cask Team Background: Tasting Note~ Color: Tawny. Nose: Tiramisu! Lovely mixture of sweet fresh mascarpone cheese, milk chocolate and muscovado sugar, with a drizzle of espresso. A little later: dried apricots, fresh berries – blackberries, raspberries. Golden syrup. Raisins. Maybe even lemon drizzle cake. Divine! Palate: All of the above. Coffee-led woody notes that continually bring warming spices of cinnamon. Figs, prunes, and a touch of apricot. Then pears with a dusting of that muscovado once again. Slight tannic quality to balance out the heavy sweet flavours. Ginger. Faint fennel note. Finish: A little burnt wholemeal toast with a layer of strawberry jam. Blood oranges on a woody finish. Excellent! |