SMWS 3.255 Bowmore 21 years 波摩 單桶原酒 21年 蘇格蘭威士忌協會 (700ml 56.6%) 蘇格蘭威士忌協會(SMWS)嚴選蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭、日本等知名威士忌蒸餾廠之桶裝威士忌原酒,每款皆為單一酒桶熟成,以不經稀釋、不採用冷凝過濾之原桶限量裝瓶,擁有獨一無二的味道及性格。 協會酒的酒標上不會出現酒廠名稱,每款皆是以兩組數字命名︰ ■小數點前面的數字- 協會賦予的「酒廠代號」。 ■小數點後方的數字- 該酒廠的「酒桶編號」。 此外瓶身上還可看到蒸餾日期、陳年桶型、裝瓶數及品飲後的風味敘述。 酒名︰瓶中精靈 酒齡︰21年 蒸餾日期︰1994年4月19日 桶型︰二次填充桶 / 雪莉桶 裝瓶數︰510瓶 品飲筆記~ 純淨薰香,被陽光烤焦的石楠花,薑糖以及香煎干貝-有一隻精靈住在這個瓶子裡。一旦觸碰到味蕾,精靈就會隨著一股香薰煙霧一起被釋放出來。搓一下瓶身,我們來向精靈許願。 |
SMWS 3.255 Bowmore 21 years ~ Entitled: Genie in a bottle Age: 21 yo Date Distilled: 19th Apr 1994 Cask Type: Refill Butt / Ex-sherry Amount: 510 bottles Description~ This was like a genie in a glass, from clean perfumed smoke and a well-used wooden pipe rack to sun scorched hay and heather, moving on to stem and crystallised ginger and finishing with seared scallops. We finally let the genie out and had a sip – it was a puff of glittering, well rounded, perfumed smoke. Sweet and floral at first, but then salted caramel arrived and in the finish, a pleasant dryness. With water, crunchy ginger and coffee iced biscuits as well as almond slices and the taste of lavender honey on burnt toast making this a very relaxed laid back experience. |