Chieftain's Dalmore 19 years 老酋長 大摩 19年 單桶 (700ml 53.8%) 堅持蘇格蘭最傳統釀造技術的老酋長單一麥芽威士忌系列,唯有單一原創才能展現出蘇格蘭的原始風味。 Chieftain’s老酋長單一麥芽威士忌,其產地分別來自肥沃的斯佩塞區及高地區,由單一酒桶製成,並傳承自蘇格蘭的傳統技術限量生產。 釀造頂級蘇格蘭單一純麥威士忌的《大摩DALMORE》,歷經150年的品牌經營,於世界各地都有亮眼的銷售成績。在蘇格蘭,威士忌的釀造工藝必需花上許多年;除了要留足夠的時間讓它醞育,地點也很重要。 大摩酒廠坐落於克羅默蒂海灣北岸,屬於蘇格蘭高地。地理位置的優異讓大摩擁有得天獨厚的自然元素。從面對酒廠湖泊的乾淨水源,到海岸邊Black Isle富饒土地上產出的大麥,讓大摩可以汲取大自然中最豐富的釀酒材料。靠近海平面的海拔高度也非常重要,夾帶著鹽份的海風徐徐吹來,包覆著鹽份的空氣、提供了酒窖內熟成威士忌絕佳的條件。 裝瓶:老酋長 酒廠:大摩 國家:蘇格蘭 地區:高地 年份:19年 蒸餾:1995年12月 裝瓶:2015年8月 桶號:9433 瓶號:284 型號:原酒強度,非冷凝過濾,限量版 |
Chieftain's Dalmore 19 years Bottling Note~ Chieftain. ‘Especially For The Connoisseur’ A multi-award-winning collection of extremely rare malts, some from closed or mothballed distilleries, each bottling is fit for a King, a Leader or in the Celtic world, a Chieftain. Targeted at the connoisseur, each bottle is signed by the Chieftain's Rare Malt Manager, and carries details of wood type, cask number, number of bottles, vintage, age and bottling date. Selected for the spring and autumn collections, each Chieftain’s bottling has its own unique personality. A variety of distilleries, vintages, wood maturations and strengths are represented, with different colours signifying each whisky region. Quality through and through, the elegant antique-style bottle complete with calligraphy and watermark illustrations of Scotland is presented in a premium black and gold gift packaging, perfect for showcasing each remarkable malt in the collection. Released at the peak of perfection, at up to 50 years old, each small batch release is bottled at natural colour and unchillfiltered to preserve the natural aromas of the whisky for a fuller flavour and smoother taste. Dalmore distillery was built in 1839 by Alexander Matheson, who immediately leased it to the Sunderland family, who ran it for over thirty years until 1869, when the lease was taken over by three Mackenzie brothers, Alexander, Charles and Andrew. IB: Chieftain Distillery : Dalmore Country : Scotland Region : Highland Vintage : 19 yo Distilled: Dec 1995 Bottled : Aug 2015 Cask Num: 9433 Bottle Num : 284 Model : Natural Strength Unchill Filtered Limited Edition |