Port Ellen 25 years 4th release 1978 波特艾倫 25年 第4版 1978 (700ml 56.2%) 消失的酒廠~ Port Ellen 1825年在艾雷島(Islay)設立的Port Ellen蒸餾廠,1983年永久關廠之後,由於已經停止了生產執照,近年來艾雷島的威士忌有突飛猛進的增長,都已不能再展現其過去蒸餾的美味。 在2004年或許是其尚存的麥芽廠擴建的需求,連其原有的建築設備及廠區都被拆除了,讓這個蒸餾廠殘存的樣貌也永遠消失了。從2001年帝亞吉歐把手上尚存的Port Ellen原桶酒以22年的陳年開始裝瓶銷售,這個消失的蒸餾廠,像是重新站在舞台的聚光燈下,吸引了大批威士忌饕客焦點,2002,2003,2004,2005,一批批限量絕版品的上市,讓市場價格漲紅了眼,許多的威士忌大師也開始對這一批批新出品的酒品頭論足,也幾乎都得到了非常高的評價。 國家:蘇格蘭 地區:艾雷島 裝瓶:2004 年 限量:5100 瓶 限量年度紀念版本 第4版發行 行家報告~ 色澤:淡黃色 氣味:花生醬,焦糖橙橘,泥媒 口味:帶甜,海岸鮮味,木桶,果香,花生醬 尾韻:餘韻綿長,強烈的口感讓人回味無窮 |
Port Ellen 25 years 4th release 1978 Bottling Note~ Port Ellen Distillery was founded around 1825. The distilling plant was silent from 1929 although the maltings and warehouses continued operating. Rebuilding began in spring of 1966 and completed in April 1967; it had 4 stills, initially heated by mechanical coal stoker, and later converted to steam heated coils. The distillery closed in 1983 and the bottled product has now become very collectable. The Excise Act in 1824 required the distillers to install a Spirit Safe, thereby effecting more control over the distillers. It was thought that the introduction of Spirit Safes might have a detrimental effect on the quality of spirit produced, and therefore it should be tried experimentally first, with Port Ellen chosen to carry out these trials. Country : Scotland Region : Islay Bottled : 2004 Amount : 5100 BT Annual release 4th release Tasting note~ Color: Pale Gold Nose:Peanut butter, caramelized oranges, great peat, and very well integrated. Palate: Sweet, but somehow very rich in umami at the same time. Hangs around on the back of the tongue and down the sides of the palate for simply ages. Peanut butter as it really clings to the palate. Finish: Very Long indeed. Smashing. |