Highland Park 17 years Ice Edition 高原騎士 17年 冰原限定版 (700ml 53.9%) 獲獎無數的單一麥芽威士忌品牌高原騎士(Highland Park),在此驕傲地宣布將於全球推出一款全新限量酒款ICE EDITION。這款令人驚艷的佳釀,用來慶頌高原騎士起源的奧克尼群島(Orkney)所特有的維京血脈。而北歐文化的影響早在高原騎士開始製作威士忌的數百年前,就已深植在這個島嶼的每一角落。 高原騎士品牌總監Jason Craig表示:「這款17年單一麥芽威士忌,具備高原騎士威士忌中充滿煽動力的特有風格,以柔軟的辛香口感與濃郁的香草緊密交織出平衡且悠長的尾韻,是一款令人難以抗拒的威士忌。 「這款佳釀自然地流露出明亮色澤,酒精濃度為53.9%,全球僅限量發行三萬瓶。」 「酒瓶以特製藍色玻璃打造,反映出閃亮的冰,瓶身經過精心設計,尖銳、多面的輪廓,傳達神話與神奇冰之國那獨特的嚴峻與冰冷意境。酒瓶被一座絕美的山形木製底座悉心收藏,並搭配使用特製的木質軟木塞。」 「標籤上的圓形圖騰,代表創造出世界的生命之環,而在生命之環旁保護這個世界生生不息的是經常出現北歐神話中的─ 龍。這款全新推出的酒款會附上說明書,描繪寒冰巨人如何對抗天神、企圖掌控這世界的故事!」 ICE EDITION面世之後,接下來將於2017年推出FIRE Edition,兩者皆屬於Valhalla英靈神殿系列的延伸。前代作品描述四位北歐神話的天神故事:阿斯嘉世界(Asgard)的索爾(Thor)、洛基(Loki)、芙蕾雅(Freya),以及奧丁(Odin)。 行家報告~ 色澤:自然鮮明的色澤感;如冰霜鏡面般的明亮 香氣:清新鳳梨的鮮明芳香,搭配熟成芒果獨特香氛由此展開,融入少許的煙燻風味帶出老薑片的辛香。 口感:酒脂豐富而宜人,演繹高原騎士的經典特質,獨特稀有的石楠花蜜香,結合香草般的細緻回甘。 尾韻:豐富飽滿且濃郁的酒脂持續瀰漫著木質的香氣、熱熱的辛香,造就出發亮、和諧、值得細細品嚐的威士忌。 得獎紀錄~ 2016 MMA Bronze Medal 麥芽狂人獎 銅牌 |
Following on from The Valhalla Collection, this new limited edition Highland Park will also come with a cradle, which will be shaped like a mountain as opposed to a longship. Matured mostly in bourbon casks, it's profile is said to most resemble Freya, although this release is in honour of the Ice Realm of Niflheim (hence the cut blue glass bottle). This land of perpetual ice and cold is home to the frozen river of Elivágar and the well of Hvergelmir! Yep, it's another Norse series and as there are Nine Worlds in Norse mythology we can expect plenty more in the pipeline. In fact, we're already heard that the next release will be a Fire Edition... Tasting note~ Producer's Tasting Note: Nose: Resplendent aromas of cool, fresh pineapple and ripe mango sorbet come to life in this celebration of glacial character. Silvery shards of smoke give way to the frosty kick of root ginger. Palate: Like the Ice Giants themselves, the palate is powerful yet mellifluous. In true Highland Park style, the combination of an argent, misty peat smoke is intertwined with pearly iridescent vanilla seeds and overtones of molten orris root. Finish: Beautifully balanced, the creamy, rich, oily finish snowballs into long lingering woodiness and dry, feverish spices, providing a scintillating and harmonious whisky to savour. |