GLEN DEVERON 30 years highland single malt whisky (750ml 40%) 百加得(Bacardi)酒業集團與世界免稅集團(World Duty Free Group),共同發行一系列旅遊免稅零售通路限定單一純麥威士忌酒款,此系列Glen Deveron 30年為相當稀有罕見的陳年威士忌,由屢獲殊榮的調酒大師Stephanie Macleod親自從Glen Deveron私人酒窖中選出,為了紀念過去Glen Deveron蒸餾廠曾由蘇格蘭國王Robert Ⅱ授予皇室勳章。 行家報告~ 色澤:金色 香氣:麥芽香甜,真皮沙發,雪茄,新鮮水果,乾草,橡木,香草甜味 口感:厚皮革,肉桂,肉荳蔻,香料,聖誕蛋糕,柑橘,丁香,雪利酒 尾韻:甜且精緻漫長,熱帶水果,於滑下後爆發辛辣溫暖口感 |
GLEN DEVERON 30 years Bottling Note~ Glen Deveron is the name given to official bottlings of single malt from Macduff. It was originally released for the Travel Retail market as part of the Glen Deveron Royal Burgh Collection, which also included 16 year old and a 20 year old expressions. The age statement signals that this should be a refined and exciting dram, and it certainly lives up to that label. This bottle was part of a private collection. Tasting note~ Color: Full Gold. Nose:Nose gives us hints of the ideal drinking setting for this malt; a room with red leather sofas and a good supply of cigars. The notes detected are rich and fresh, with cut hay and oaky vanilla sweetness. Palate: These flavours bloom larger on the palate, with a thick leathery flavour that combines with a cinnamon and nutmeg spice. There is a hint of Christmas clementines with cloves and sherry wine that warms the taste buds. Finish: The wooded notes are sweet and refined and last into the finish. This dram closes with a fruity and spicy linger that is well worth savouring. |