Haig Club Single Grain Whisky 翰格俱樂部 單一穀物威士忌 (700ml 40%) 翰格家族成員約翰.翰格(John Haig)在1824年創辦了Cameron Bridge酒廠,率先使用不銹鋼連續蒸餾器釀造威士忌,從此帶領威士忌產業新潮流,也奠定了現代威士忌工業化的基礎。在1920年代,翰格威士忌已有「俱樂部紳士的威士忌」的美譽。 全球最大洋酒集團Diageo與貝克漢聯合推出Haig Club,這款全新的蘇格蘭威士忌口味獨特,既不是單一麥芽,又不是調和式,它是所謂的「穀物威士忌」,釀造原料包括玉米、小麥或黑麥,而不是經常用的大麥麥芽。其實,單純的「穀物威士忌」酒莊在蘇格蘭少之又少,換句話說,又多一個說服你品嚐它的理由,因為物以稀為貴! 特殊的瓶身設計靈感來自翰格藍爵調配大師所使用的傳統藍色品鑑杯,可以淡化酒體顏色給人的第一印象,只注重威士忌本身的香氣與風味。 行家報告~ 色澤:淺稻草金色 香氣:蘋果,檸檬皮和芒果,英式脆餅,香蕉太妃派,椰奶,乾草,橙橘,土耳其小荳蔻 味覺:太妃糖,香草,橡木,新鮮香蕉,牛軋糖,蜂蜜 尾韻:奶油果仁糖,肉桂,薑,荳蔻 平易近人,清新愉悅口感 |
Haig Club Single Grain Whisky Bottling Note~ A small quantity of this David Beckham endorsed single grain whisky has just arrived. TV producer Simon Fuller is also involved here (the man who launched the Spice Girls, created the Pop Idol franchise and has managed musical icons like Annie Lennox, Steven Tyler, Amy Winehouse and sporting heroes like Beckham). The bottle and embossed branding compliments the presentation of Beckham’s perfume range. Produced at Cameronbridge distillery, where the house style is light, clean and fruity, 'Club' was matured in a variety of casks. Tasting Note~ Color:Gold. Nose:It doesn't jump out at you, granted, but there's more here than meets the eye (/nose). Apple crumble, expressed lemon peel and a touch of mango. Millionaire's shortbread, banoffee pie, coconut milk, dried grass, orange Turkish delight and cardamom. Palate:Toffee and vanilla with pleasant supporting oak notes. Fresh banana (neither overpowering nor artificial), a hint of nougat and honeycomb pieces. Finish:Praline, cinnamon and a little ginger with perhaps a hint of cardamom returning right at the death. Approachable, adaptable, good mouthfeel |