Olde st. Nick 15 years 奧爾德聖尼克 15年 稀有美國波本威士忌 (750ml 53.5%) 奧爾德聖尼克珍稀波本威士忌,由奧爾德聖尼克巴德斯蒸餾場手工製作限量裝瓶。這支傳奇波本來自於美國肯塔基州當地知名家族,以私房家傳比例配方手工製作而成,此高品質製作過程已傳承超過100多年,使用最頂級的原物料,嚴格謹慎的挑桶,再加上歲月時間的三樂章熟成,讓它產生除了常見的波本芳香外,再帶出獨特的無花果圓潤綿長風味。 行家報告~ (色澤) 焦糖 (嗅覺) 甜蜜奶油,焦糖,太妃糖,原糖,糖蜜,楓糖漿,葛縷子籽,木材,成熟鳳梨,大地,辛辣,多層次豐富有趣 (口感) 深色水果,木材,焦糖,澀味,香草,茴香籽,奶油 (尾韻) 焦糖,柑橘,深色水果,黑麥,木材質所帶出的輕澀感 中等酒體,帶有絲綢般柔順質感,簡單易飲 非常罕見的美式傳統手藝製成之酒體 |
Olde st. Nick 15 years Bottling Note Olde St Nick Rare Bourbon whiskey is handmade and bottled in Kentucky by Olde St Nick Distillery Bardstown Kentucky.This legendary bourbon whiskey from the back hills of Kentucky was specially handmade and bottle using are secret family recipe, which has been passed down from one generation to the next, for more than 100 years. Yielding a straight Kentucky bourbon whiskey of the highest quality.The finest ingredient and premium chassed of oak barrels alone with many long and slow years of aging give this bourbon a sickly unique fig smooth flavor. Tasting Note~ (Color) Dark Caramel (Nose) There are still a lot of sweet notes like butterscotch, caramel, toffee, raw sugar, molasses and maple syrup however there are also some spicier and earthier notes like caraway seed, wood, a weak dill and avery mild medical astringency here too. A very interesting nose. (Palate) Here the rye spice seems to be in a dead heat with the butterscotch notes with a whole Wacky Races of dark fruit, wood, caramel, astringency, vanilla and fennel seed happening behind them. Intriguing, (Finish) A long drive of caramel, citrus, dark fruit, rye, wood and a light astringent bite. Medium body with a silken texture make it very easy to sip. |