G&M AULTMORE Single Cask 雅墨 古華酒藏 單桶原酒 2000-2016 (700ml 59.2%) 釀造:2000 裝瓶:2016 桶號:303852 桶種:初填美國桶 行家報告~ 色澤:淡金色 嗅覺:西洋梨,成熟鳳梨,甜大麥,蜂蜜,香草,榛果,棉花糖,莿塊花,整體香氣非常輕鬆,隨著水幾滴,彷彿完全提升到另一個熱帶水果花園,木桶陳年時控制的非常得當。 口感:平衡圓滑,非常有吸引力,感受到橡木,有絲絲帶點苦,薑味和肉桂,胡椒,肉荳蔻。不理它幾分鐘後,更奔放了,產生更多的水果,特別是柑桔。推薦加幾滴水,整體層次完全會讓您驚艷,更多層次的口感,並把苦味變化為帶甜。 尾韻:中長。甜大麥,蘋果和西洋梨,與刺激辛香料。非常易飲適合一邊用餐一邊搭飲,完全不衝突。 評語:合理的價位,又可享受只有古華酒藏才有的限量版酒質,您與朋友聚會、送禮不知道要帶什麼嗎? 這款就對了。 |
AULTMORE Aged 16 years the kuve exclusive (700ml 46%) Distilled:2000 Bottled:2016 Cask Num:303852 Cask Type:1st fill American hogshead Testing note~ Color : Pale gold. Nose: Pears and pineapples, sweet barley, acacia honey, vanilla, hazelnuts, marshmallows Very easy nose. With few drop of water, totally boost to next level tropical garden fruits. It seems that the oak got controlled. Taste: Neat and smooth, very attractive on palate, can feel the oak and makes this baby a little bitter, gingery and acrid. A lot of cinnamon, pepper and nutmeg. After a few minutes, things rather improve, with more fruits, especially oranges. With slightly water: works better with water, the fruits come out more and the oak’s acridness is backing away. Finish : Medium length. Sweet barley, apples and pear again, with some capsicum in the aftertaste. Goes easy with dishes, it not overcomes each other. Remark: I do like it very much, with very reasonable price but this limited edition bottle and advance quality texture. |