Tatoosh Bourbon Whisky Small Batch 坦圖仕 波本威士忌 (750ml 40%) 百年世代相傳的傳統威士忌秘方,加上產地山水風物與光陰淬鍊的軌跡,創造出傳統香醇濃郁的優質波本威士忌! 採特殊非冷凝過濾製法,被保存純粹原始的酯類和酚類,正是主導香氣與風味的關鍵,口感醇厚而自然。百年釀造蒸餾,世代流傳古方,特納家族成就口感醇和馥郁的優質波本威士忌! 烘烤的獨特風味、甜而不膩的焦糖香甜與奶油的滑順柔嫩,在唇齒間流連纏綿著,喉韻久久不散,讓人難以忘懷。 Tatoosh坦圖仕波本威士忌原料使用70%的手工採選玉米,15%的裸麥和15%大麥麥芽,玉米除了手工精選確保最佳品質外,其含量更遠遠超過波本威士忌規定的50%,讓每一口坦圖仕都有著飽滿而豐厚的香甜。 威士忌的水質是決定口感優劣的關鍵,Tatoosh坦圖仕波本威士忌使用太平洋西北喀斯喀特山脈冰川水,讓坦圖仕波本威士忌酒體潤滑,保持在最純淨的狀態。 坦圖仕威士忌在經由燒烤後的全新橡木桶裡熟成三年,使得橡木桶的木香在經過燒烤後更加顯露而圓潤,並微微散發天然香草與木質香料味,讓坦圖仕波本威士忌的口感更為醇厚而自然。 行家報告~ 色澤:琥珀金色 氣味:熱帶柑橘水果及香草芬芳,帶點杏桃與大麥的香氣 口感:醇厚的烘烤橡木特有風味,焦糖與奶油的滑嫩甜香,有著香草、杏桃與大麥的迷人香氣,芬芳中帶點木質的清香與熱帶水果的風味,坦圖仕波本威士忌的柑橘味與作為襯底的香草達成絕妙的交融 尾韻:入喉輕盈柔順,令人回味悠長。緩緩將它送入喉中,帶點焦躁的狂熱,將在你的唇與舌上迅速擴張,而那橡木烘烤的獨特風味、甜而不膩的焦糖香甜與奶油的滑順柔嫩口感,在唇齒之間流連纏綿著,喉韻久久不散,讓人難以忘懷 |
Tatoosh Bourbon Whisky Small Batch Bottling Note~ Tatoosh distillery is set in the region we love to call home: the heart of the Pacific Northwest. Here we are blessed with everything we’ll ever need to make and finish great tasting spirits. We can’t think of a better place.With quality grain ingredients, American and French oak barrels, and utilization of American-made copper stills, we’re right where we need to be; the place that makes the best tasting spirits this side of the Mississippi. Tatoosh Bourbon, aged for over three years, does not fit the definition of a typical single malt or high volume production bourbon. Our bourbon is based on a Southern family moonshine heritage enhanced with glacial water from the Cascade Mountains. It is then aged in American oak casks making the flavor even more noteworthy. Tasting note~ Color: Winter wheat light amber gold color Nose: Sweetish barley malt start with dried dark fruits. Rather aromatic, full barley notes, leather, apricots, and slight citrus, with barrel char and light vanilla notes. Palate:Quite a bit, if not jarringly, different from the nose. Strong char and a ‘cowboy style’ start to it. Upon swirl, rapid onset of wood char notes, some spiciness, with papaya, citrus, and vanilla oak notes. Medium mouth feel, with some bite to it. Nice drying finish is quite long with slight lingering and tingling to the tongue and lips. Finish: long, Good with a cigar with a lighter shade of wrapper. |