WhistlePig 10 years Straight Rye Whisky 口哨豬 10年 100% 裸麥威士忌 (750ml 50%) 禁酒令時期後,裸麥威士忌那強悍、具有個性的味道卻逐漸被世人淡忘,北美大陸,尋獲致力釀造世界最佳裸麥威士忌、屢獲國際威士忌大獎的單一裸麥威士忌品牌。 Dave Pickerell品牌首席調酒師 成就單一裸麥釀造工藝 國際最傑出威士忌調酒師之一,歷經擔任知名波本威士忌Maker’s Mark長達十四年首席釀酒師的洗禮後,毅然投身致力於裸麥威士忌的旅程。 Dave Pickerell成為單一裸麥威士忌領導品牌WhistlePig的品牌首席調酒師,只為攜手WhistlePig、共同淬鍊世界最佳裸麥威士忌,成就璀璨單一裸麥完美工藝,透過獨特且強烈的裸麥風味,帶給威士忌消費者絕佳體驗、打造玩家不可錯過的珍品。 Whistle Pig展現裸麥、威士忌及熟成的完美結合,相信能夠滿足全台灣威士忌品酩家們的好品味。WhistlePig單一裸麥威士忌超越裸麥威士忌須至少51%的裸麥成分釀造標準,以100%裸麥釀造、運用獨特雙桶熟成工藝,在炙燒過的美國白橡木桶中陳年。 首創自農莊手工裝瓶,帶來最純粹原始的強悍裸麥風味,展現威士忌、裸麥與熟成的極致平衡。WhistlePig十年單一裸麥威士忌以100%裸麥釀造、美制100度的酒精濃度裝瓶,其絕佳平衡口感,自推出便獲得極佳好評。 酒款介紹~ WhistlePig十年單一裸麥威士忌 (WhistlePig 100/100)的命名源自於100%裸麥釀造、以美制100度的酒精濃度裝瓶,經過獨特的雙桶工藝、精選至少10年陳釀而成。 自推出便獲得極佳好評,不僅贏得「葡萄酒愛好者」有史以來對裸麥威士忌的最佳評比96分,更獲「烈酒雜誌」盛讚為「最高推薦」。 行家報告~ 色澤:金黃色 氣味:濃郁的肉豆蔻香料帶出橙皮香氣 口感:裸麥風味,在香草與淡淡的蜂蜜香味後,帶有甜味、層次豐富 尾韻:悠長香氣與淺淺橡木桶香 |
WhistlePig 10 years Straight Rye Whisky Bottling Note~ The story of WhistlePig begins in 2007, with Raj Peter Bhakta buying a farm in Shoreham, Vermont, with the idea of creating some ace rye whiskey. Teaing up with Master Distiller Dave Pickerell, who was the Master Distiller at Maker’s Mark for 14 years, WhistlePig sourced a top quality, 100% rye whiskey from Canada, then finished and bottled it at the WhistlePig farm. Their most well-known expression, the WhistlePig 10 Year Old, is presented at 100 proof, and has proven rather popular indeed – it even appeared on an episode of Breaking Bad! The WhistlePig chaps are also growing their own rye grain on the farm, with plans to start distillation on the 4th of July, 2015. WhistlePig is a fantastic brand of straight rye whisky which is distilled and initially matured in Canada before being aged further, at the WhistlePig Farm in Vermont. The Master Distiller for WhistlePig is Dave Pickerell, who was the Master Distiller for Maker's Mark for 14 years. The 10 year old straight rye is made with 100% rye and delivers a full-on flavor profile of clove, mint, barrel char, creamy caramels and butterscotch. Properly excellent stuff. Tasting Note~ Color: Gold Nose: Rich nutmeg spices bring out the aroma of orange peel Palate:Entrance able to experience a sweet, rich layers different Finish:Balance rye flavor after vanilla and a touch of honey flavor, with slightly oak flavor and aroma slowly fade to the end. |