Ardbeg Alligator 雅柏 鱷魚 絕版 (700ml 51.2%) 雅柏鱷魚(Ardbeg Alligator)是雅柏酒廠及總製酒師比爾梁思敦博士領軍的研發團隊,經過了數年的實驗所獲得的成果。 「鱷魚式炙燒」(Alligator Charring)指的是在填入酒液之前,碳化(或燒烤)橡木桶內部的一種方式,炙烤過的木頭會出現類似鱷魚鱗片般的圖紋,因而有了這樣的命名。雅柏鱷魚的核心在於其存放至「第四級」的橡木桶中進行陳釀,這是炙烤碳化橡木桶所能達到最強烈的等級。比爾梁思敦博士如此評論,「將橡木桶以最強的程度炙烤,賦予其額外的煙燻、燒烤風味,讓雅柏鱷魚有著獨特的辛香口感,能讓人們在不知不覺中被完全擄獲。」 關於雅柏鱷魚的上市,品牌總監漢米托瑞(Hamish Torrie)表示,「雅柏鱷魚是為了雅柏忠實顧客所推出的,同時也是為了要將雅柏擴展至英國、美國、歐洲與部分亞洲市場等新網絡。」他強調,「這是限量發售的酒款,而且根據六月預先釋出部分數量給雅柏委員會(Ardbeg Committee)成員時的反應,預估它很快就會銷售一空!」 他做了這樣的結論,「當然如果任何人有興趣瞭解更多關於艾雷島、雅柏與『鱷魚』間的連結,完整的暗黑傳說可以在Ardbeg.com網站或Ardbeg iPhone App上的授權紀錄片中觀賞到。」 雅柏鱷魚(Ardbeg Alligator)酒精濃度為51.2%,為非冷凝過濾以確保多層次的質感與口感。 行家報告~ 色澤:光潔的鞣皮色 氣味:緊緻而不可預期,有著雅柏(Ardbeg)一系列來自烘烤香氣的正宗特色。來自煙燻生薑根部充滿力道、燦爛迸放的香氣,伴隨著撲鼻的烤肉醬味、巧克力、小茴香與溫熱橡木片的氣息。背景的香氣,則透著多油煙燻鮭魚的調性。 加入幾滴水,緊緻包裹的香氣全然釋放,如鱷魚的伸展、糾纏與甦醒。 口感: 豐厚緊緻的煙燻燒烤風味,帶有煤灰、皮革、巧克力、與薑及其他混合的香味。 尾韻:綿長深遠,帶著摩卡咖啡、薑、雪茄、充滿神祕氣息。 |
Ardbeg Alligator Bottling Note~ Alligator is the latest of Ardbeg’s limited releases. It’s a vatting of various ages, with no material less than ten years old. The point of difference here is in the intense firing of the oak barrels that the whisky is finished in. The process leaves the barrel’s staves ‘charcoaled’, taking on the appearance of an alligator’s scales. Non chill filtered and with natural color, ‘Alligator’ is a must for Islay connoisseurs and Ardbeg accomplishment. Tasting Note~ Color: Brilliant pale gold color with a subtle green blush. Nose:Powerful opening aromas include wet charcoal followed by lanolin and wet wool, becoming sweeter but more subdued after aeration with spicy stewed fruits and suggestions of smoked meat emerging. Palate:Entry is soft and salty before the cask strength concentration kicks in; mid palate is medium dry with a perfectly poised bitter/sweet balance followed by an intense saltiness. Finish:pleasantly bitter (like high cocoa chocolate) with tar, Elastoplast and hints of dried herbs. Spice and salt persists on the tip of the tongue. Wait for the late charcoal, vanilla and green tea farewell. Creamy mouthfeel showing remarkable restraint given the high ABV! Extremely limited stocks. |