Spirits Shops' Selection BENRIACH Distillery 1990 Sherry Cask 東方命 第四版 班瑞克 1990 雪莉桶 (700ml 50.8%) 東方命這個品牌最初創立的原意是東方人都有喝好酒的命。目前市場上的裝瓶廠都是西方人所成立的,所挑選的桶子口感都以西方人的喜好爲主。東方命這個品牌的桶子挑選與設計將以東方人的喜好爲出發點。東方命首次在2014年12月的Whisky Luxe亮相,立即獲得高度詢問,所有品項搶購一空。 今年在德國的Whisky Festival and Exhibition 展出,精美的酒標設計表現亮眼,更是獲得各界好評。2015年東方命更被日本伊勢丹與法國La Masion Du Whisky選為合作供應商。 東方命主要分兩個產品線:一個是由東方命公司選桶裝瓶的產品系列,另一個則是與知名品牌或知名威士忌酒吧合作共同挑桶的系列;所挑選的酒桶意是針對亞洲人的風味、喜好精選出優質的威士忌。其品牌所挑選的酒桶品質優異,產品包含了許多知名酒廠的陳年佳釀;另外針對不同的產品線,分別挑選設計出一系列浮世繪酒標,這些宛如藝術品的設計,不僅值得收藏,其中更不乏巧思,訴說著關於這瓶酒的故事。讓人在滿足了聞香與味蕾的感動之餘,視覺與心靈也同時被這美麗的藝術品給征服了。 裝瓶:東方命 酒質:BenRiach 年份:1990年 桶型:雪利桶 特性:難忘的迷人尾韻 |
Spirits Shops' Selection BENRIACH Distillery 1990 Sherry Cask Bottling Note~ “Spirits Shops Selection “is an Oriental Individual Bottle Cooperation, exclusively eye on world well-known premier distillery cask strength whisky Barrel. Market strategic is more reputation on Oriental Asia but the whisky content carefully chosen preferences on West Country taste.It is an art which merged the world expected whisky quality and eastern country designing label, present every pieces is one of a kind appearance. Absolutely is an excellent selection of cask quality and brand. Rather unjustly, Benriach was, until just a few years ago, relatively unknown, but it hasn’t ceased to make up for lost time. Indeed, this distillery has, for many decades, had a huge amount to offer and has proven this time and time again since being bought in 2004. Its warehouses are bursting with all sorts of sherry butts (Oloroso, Pedro Ximénez, etc.), new American oak casks, ex-bourbon barrels and hogsheads dating back to the 1960s, as well as casks previously used for wine, rum, madeira, port and even Rioja! This Speyside single malt is entirely worthy of the interest it has garnered from master blenders since its creation. IB: Spirits Shops' Selection Distillery: BenRiach Age: 1990 Cask type: Sherry Profile: Unforgettable charming finish |