TTL (Taiwan Tabacco & Liquor Coperation) Cask Strength Whisky 台灣菸酒 雲蒸霞蔚 原酒強度 2015年度限定 蒸餾器造型 (1000ml 56%) 本產品只摘取麥芽威士忌最精華的酒心並以 波本桶與雪莉桶長年熟陳,堅持不添加焦糖色素 及非冷凝過濾工法,保留原桶強度道地的天然琥 珀色澤及香濃醇厚的酒體,完整呈現豐富的熱帶 水果香氣與強勁飽滿的口感,值得您細細品味。 「雲蒸霞蔚」中「蒸」意指上升,「蔚」則 為蘊涵聚集之意,以雲霞升騰聚集之壯闊來形容 景物燦爛絢麗,藉由威士忌蒸餾過程,傳達燃燒 奮鬥後,福氣和貴人自然聚集,進而高陞晉爵、 財運累積。本酒器特別以「南投酒廠威士忌蒸餾 工場」的銅壺型蒸餾器為造型,經由專業工藝手 工吹製並搭配高雅原木底座極具收藏價值。(本中文內容自台灣菸酒公司網頁轉載) 行家報告~ 色澤:深琥珀色 氣味:新鮮水果,堅果,焦糖,葡萄乾,核桃,糖蜜 口感:重木材,苦堅果,肉桂,鹹味 尾韻:中長,甜的焦糖,乾果,葡萄乾 |
TTL (Taiwan Tabacco & Liquor Coperation) Cask Strength Whisky Bottling Note~ A Taiwanese single malt whisky at Nantou Distillery run by TTL, or Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor, a government brand. Nantou is located in Nantouhsien, which started distillation of Whisky spirit in 2008 using four pot stills which were manufactured by Forsyths of Rothes, Speyside. The distillery only started production in 2008. Of course this means their whiskies are quite young. But Taiwan has a warmer climate, so we can still expect good things. They’ve been putting out cask strength limited releases for a couple of years, but they now have a duo of whiskies at 56% that we might call their core range. Tasting Note~ Color:Dark Amber Nose: fresh yet fruity and nutty. There is plenty of spirit present and other notes fight through this with some persistence - think of caramel, dark treacle, raisins and walnuts in particular. Palate:There is a heavy wood influence and this manifests itself as bitter nuts and cinnamon-like spices. Then comes a savory, almost burnt meaty, character. Finish: Mid Long. Only with plenty of time do some sweeter caramel and dried fruits (especially raisins) Domestic Annual Limited Edition This has been bottled at the natural cask strength of 56% ABV and Outsized Quantity. |