DALMORE 15 years 大摩 15年 單一純麥蘇格蘭威士忌 (700ml 40%)~ 大摩15年滑順、口感豐富,且具全面性;是大摩產品基本風格的縮影。這款雅緻但平易近人的酒款,最初的12年在美國橡木桶內熟成,接下來的三年把原酒分別放置在三種不同的雪莉酒橡木桶Amoroso, Apostoles及Matusalem Oloroso內再熟化、達到最完美的境界及個性。最後把原酒融合一起,放置在直立的雪莉桶中,讓其風味臻於完美。 優雅的氣息攻佔了味蕾,陳年的Matusalem 、Apostoles及 Amoroso Oloroso雪莉酒桶造就了濃郁的乾香料香氣:丁香、肉桂以及薑。口中充滿強烈的柑橘味,味蕾中段有橘子、檸檬、萊姆的氣味。 100%選用曾存放在Matusalem、Apostoles 及 Amoroso雪莉酒桶的威士忌,這是一款傑出不凡的高地單一純麥威士忌,相當適合慶祝時飲用。 大摩的這款新產品能將原酒、木桶與熟成過程做更完美的平衡。所有的原酒以不同的比例儲存在不同的木桶,以達最佳的品質。長久的經驗告訴我們,15年的酒能將歐洲雪莉酒桶中的柑橘、辛香料、乾果味結合的最完美、和諧。 在酒桶的選擇上,不是一般的雪莉酒桶,而是一些曾存放過頂級產品的酒桶,如西班牙的Gonzalez–Byass的Amoroso, Apostles及 Matusalem 雪莉酒。 |
DALMORE 15 years Bottling Note~ Dalmore can claim to own the oldest stills in the Highlands, one of which has been in use since 1874! It uses a variety of spirit stills for production, with this unique combination enabling Dalmore to obtain an extremely balanced single malt which boasts incredible complexity. For ageing its whisky, Dalmore predominately uses a wide range of sherry casks: Oloroso, Amoroso, Mathusalem, etc. that come from the Gonzales Byass vineyard in Andalucia. An exceptional partnership all round. Once the whisky has been matured, different varieties of cask are assembled to create the different expressions in the range, each being matured for an extra four months in order to help the malts marry and produce harmonious flavours. The Dalmore 15 year old was first launched in 2007. Matured in matusalem, apostoles and amoroso sherry casks, it proffers all those winter spice, orange zest and chocolate notes characteristic of Dalmore. Tasting Note~ Color: Tawny Nose: A chocolate orange. Potpourri, perfumed. Fruitcake, Sherry. Palate: Medium, lovely delivery. Zesty orange, Curaçao, chocolate. Winter spice, stem ginger in syrup. Hints of anise and a little hickory. Finish: Malty barley and smoky espresso. |