BRORA 30 years 2010 release 布朗拉 30年 消失的酒廠 絕版逸品 (700ml 54.3%)~ 蘇格蘭布朗拉30年(2010)單一純麥威士忌,極珍貴的麥芽威士忌,獲收藏家高度的讚賞, 總數量非常有限,每一瓶上面都有自己的編號,全世界僅有 3,000 瓶 。布朗拉 30年淡雅、純淨而帶有芬芳的泥煤燻香,深厚的油味中帶著老柑橘和一絲丁香的氣息;加水後蠟味更重,且洋溢水果氣息,煙燻味也更強。酒廠自 1983 年已停業。 行家報告~ 色澤:深琥珀色 。 酒體:結實、渾厚但滑順 。 口感:初入口時頗甜,但原酒中帶有豐富的煙燻風韻,以及油滑、豐富的口感,加水後仍可然保持滑順、厚實與飽滿的質感,而且等到甜味和煙燻味褪去之後,還會產生一股酸酸甜甜的海洋風味,相當討喜。 尾韻:悠長而饒富海洋風味,帶有亞麻籽油、白胡椒的氣息,以及芬芳的煤炭燻香 。 |
BRORA 30 years 2010 release Bottling Note~ The 2010 release of Diageo's superb Brora 30yo. A marked improvement on last year's in our humble opinion. The distillery now known as Brora started life in 1819 when it was founded by the Marquis of Stafford, later known as the Duke of Sutherland. The distillery was originally founded as Clynelish, however during the subsequent recovery after the first world war, demand from blenders for Clynelish malt was extremely high, so to increase capacity DCL (Distillers Company Limited) built a new distillery adjacent to the existing one in 1967-68. This distillery was also called Clynelish, as the company wished to trade on the existing good name of the old distillery. Tasting Note~ Color: Bright Straw. Nose: Cool woodsmoke on a frosty winter morning. Hints of stem ginger in syrup and lapsang souchong, some apple peel and dried cranberry and just a hint of flat cola. Palate: Sweet and fiery, a big punch of Big Red cinnamon gum, alongside that oily, evocative woodsmoke from the nose. Dried berries again, perhaps some dried cherry too, with beautiful barley sweetness. Finish: Long, on ginger, cinnamon and redcurrant, with plumes of intense coal smoke. |
【オールドボトル】ブローラ 30年~ 長熟古酒が枯渇していくなかで、往時の味わいをボトルに秘めたオールドボトルの魅力は更に増すと言っても過言ではないでしょう。出会ったらぜひ味わいたい極上の1本達をご堪能下さい。 2003年にボトリングされた閉鎖蒸留所ブローラ。特に評価の高い1970年代蒸留原酒を使用した今まさに失われゆく味わい。 直近となるリミテッドリリースの”12th”ではこれ以上の市場価格の高騰ぶりをみせており、オールドでありながらコストパフォーマンスも十二分に秘めた驚異の1本 |