Glenfiddich 19 years Age of Discovery Bourbon Cask Reserve 格蘭菲迪 19年 探險家系列 波本桶 (700ml 40%)~ 眾多喜愛單一純麥威士忌的品酩家一致認為,格蘭菲迪19年系列的波本風味桶,絕對是一款獨具脫俗的創世之作。此為格蘭菲迪19年系列紀念酒款的第二款,湛 藍外盒,內斂,熟成於波本桶內超過19年以上。使用美國波本桶來熟成,概念源自於北美最長的河流–密西西比河,沿岸城市的發展儼然就是一部美國的拓荒史, 藉此向美國拓荒者致敬,也是與格蘭菲迪的開創者精神做最佳的呼應! 行家報告~ 色澤~ 醇厚的金黃色 聞香~ 誘人的太妃糖香甜味 口感~ 層次豐富的香草與熱帶香料口感 餘韻~ 餘味的甜感縈繞持久 |
Glenfiddich 19 Year Old Bottling Note~ The Glenfiddich Age of Discovery range is released just to the travel retail market until 2012 when the 19 year Old Madeira Cask was released to to the UK retail market to great excitement and applause. However this meant that Glenfiddich needed a new Age of Discovery bottling to replace the excellent Madeira cask, so here we have it - the Bourbon cask a fantastic follow-up that delivers as strongly as its older brother. Tasting Note~ Nose: Toffee and vanilla play out first followed by a fruity cocktail of cox apples and spiced orange. Palate: Caramel and vanilla give way to a leathery quality, with water a spiciness arrives with nutmeg and cardamom notes. Finish: Majestically long with apple tart and warm spicy flavours. Overall: A great follow-up to the Madeira cask, equally complex and delicious without replicating what has gone before - top notch! |