AUCHROISK 30 years Cask Strength Limited Edition 奧斯魯斯克 30年 原酒強度 (700ml 54.7%) Auchroisk奧斯魯斯克酒廠成立於1974年,在蘇格蘭算是相當年輕的酒廠,位於斯貝河畔產區(Speyside)一塊峽谷邊上,Auchroisk在蓋爾語之意是紅色溪流的淺灘,傳說有位過客不小心跌趴在峽谷邊一口名為Dorie的水井旁,機緣巧合下喝了井水,意外發現當地絕佳的水質,並將它廣為告知。 此事引起知名調酒商J&B公司(Justerini&Brooks Ltd)的注意,赴該處取水樣,經過試驗性的製酒後,立刻決定將那口井及周邊土地全部買下,開始建造奧斯魯斯克蒸餾廠。 Auchroisk現在隸屬於帝亞吉歐集團(Diageo),曾因為"奧斯魯斯克"名字繞口的關係,而以蘇格登(Singleton)為產品命名,但被併入帝亞吉歐集團後又正名為奧斯魯斯克,直到2006年,蘇格登一詞才重現江湖,用來代表優質上等的威士忌,例如黑島的Glen Ord酒廠,即是蘇格登威士忌發行於亞洲的版本 (The Singleton of Glen Ord )。 Auchroisk蒸餾廠的現代的建築造型吸納不少摩登的美學觀念,曾榮獲多次建築大獎。蒸餾器的酒頸很高,蒸餾出的酒質清澈淡雅,蒸氣導臂(林恩臂 Lyne Arm)置於蒸餾器的最頂端,使蒸氣以水平通向冷凝器,獨門的改良成就了奧斯魯斯克的特色。 酒體中度飽滿,口感細緻中帶有優雅的果味,麥芽味及煙燻味中透露出幽幽的草風味。整體結構是宜人的成熟果實風味,高貴且典雅,餘味非常綿長。酒廠一年385萬公升的產量,目前以調和威士忌基酒為重心,因此在坊間一瓶難尋。 |
Auchroisk 30 Year Old Bottling Note~ This is the oldest distillery release from Auchroisk and has been bottled at 54.7%abv from re-fill ex-Bourbon and ex-Sherry casks. This is a limited edition of 2,976 bottles and was released in 2012. Tasting Note~ Color: Deep gold. Nose: Stewing dried fruits, then dates mashed with flour leading to burnt cake crumbs and citrus flavoured boiled sweets. There is also a big DIY flavour which could be described as saw dust, others might say varnish, either way it is awesome! Palate: There is a big rush of autumnal fruits, for me dried apples macerated in sherry which forms part of a dry but luxurious mouth-feel. Finish: The finish is dominated by spices particularly cloves and nutmeg but as soon as they fade there is a strong presence of powdered sherbet. Overall: Perhaps the most drinkable whisky of the 2012 Special Releases, this Auchroisk offers big fruity flavours which you could sit with all evening. |