Glenfarclas 30 years 格蘭花格 30年 木盒 (700ml 43%) “這些威士忌是在我祖父的時代就已經蒸餾出來,因此我們得感謝他的睿智,讓我們得以品嘗到格蘭花格30年的完美深度。畢竟,是因爲他精選的那些橡木桶造就了這種豐富且讓人愉快的口味。” 摘錄自George Grant,格蘭花格全球品牌大使的個人評語。 格蘭花格30年單一麥芽威士忌曾在2003年時在澳洲獲選「最佳商業化單一麥芽威士忌」的頭銜,並在2005年國際烈酒挑戰賽中贏得金牌獎。 行家報告~ 色澤:完美的深金色 氣味:結合果香與完整雪莉桶麥芽調性的完美複雜香氣。 口感:帶有雪莉酒、干邑、白蘭地、水果、堅果與杏仁餅的口感,就像一塊裝在玻璃杯中的聖誕蛋糕那般美好。 尾韻:這是一支總是會讓你意猶未盡的威士忌。其精致的後味讓人有種口腔深處真的散發出巧克力焦香般的錯覺。 |
Glenfarclas 30 yearsBottling Note~ The roar of the direct fired stills, the gleam of the sunbeams reflecting on the polished copper, and the sight of the largest pot stills on Speyside, is breathtaking. This is the Glenfarclas distillery, home to some of the Highland’s finest malt whiskies. Distilling twice, the six traditional direct-fired pot stills, three 'wash' stills for the first distillation and three spirit stills for the second, work their magic. Only the lightest and the best fractions of alcohol are collected and it has been said, it is the whisky they don't use that makes Glenfarclas great. It is with a trained eye, a skill passed on by generations, that the still man makes the ‘middle cut’ at precisely the right moment to collect the glorious new spirit worthy of the Glenfarclas title. A heavily sherried 30 year old from Glenfarclas, this was a winner at the International Spirits Challenge. Tasting Note~ Color:Polished copper colour. Nose:Rich,Smoky, sherry. Sugared peels, zesty. Rubbery,Orange cake, juicy malt then fruit mince pie and gobstopper. Aeration adds oatmeal biscuit to the aroma list. Palate: Thick. Creamy sherry, buttery, spicy, malt loaf. Herbal, fresh. Almost chewy in texture - a sublime harmony of honeyed malt and light Christmas pudding at mid palate; then buttered raisin bread, followed by hints of caramel fudge and grassy freshness late in the fade. Finish: Woody to end, though still good vibrancy. Distinguished by its subtle staying power. Long, full, elegant rubbery on the tail. |
グレンファークラス[30]年~ 超希少!!超限定!!オールドシングルモルト愛好家必見!!ベンリネス山の麓にある大人気蒸留所!!グレンファークラス蒸留所!!のなんと30年熟成品!!濃厚な琥珀カラー!!アタックはシェリー樽由来の麦芽パンやバターやシェリーのクリームのような豊かな濃厚の甘さが広がるアロマ!!フィニッシュには少しピリッと辛く感じるニュアンスがあり弾性のある甘口余韻が長く続く究極シングルモルト!!しかも1996年に行われた国際スピリッツ大会でまさにグレンファークラス30年ものが優勝したシングルモルト愛好家必見の逸品!!ぜひ一度ご賞味下さい!! |