BALBLAIR Vintage 1997 Taiwan Exclusive Cask No. 1151 巴布萊爾 1997 台灣限定版 單桶 桶號 1151 (700ml 55.8%) 巴布萊爾酒廠座落於山明水秀的大自然環境裡。身為蘇格蘭最古老的酒廠之一,他所處的位置就在最漂亮的Cambuscurrie 海灣中的Dornoach 河港裡。創立於1790年,到目前為止, 巴布萊爾酒廠依舊沿用山丘上那蜿蜒曲折河流所流下來的純淨之水來製作單一麥芽威士忌。巴布萊爾於1996年被Inver House 購入並開始了他在歷史上嶄新的重要時期。 從酒廠創立至今,歷經兩個世紀之後,雖然酒廠的主人不斷的更替。但是,酒廠九個工人中,依舊有四個人都還是姓Ross. 這代表著酒廠的傳統跟隨著血脈傳承了下來。 行家報告~ 色澤:琥珀玫瑰金。 氣味:成熟美國橡木桶,辣香,香草氣息。 口感:橡木,香料和葡萄乾結合香草的甜蜜。 尾韻:層層疊疊的豐富口感和香氣縈繞滿腔,讓人欲罷不能,回味無窮。 |
BALBLAIR Vintage 1997 Taiwan Exclusive Cask No. 1151 Bottling Note~ Founded in 1790 Balblair is the second oldest working distillery in Scotland. It is situated on the Dornoch firth, one of the most stunning scenic areas of Scotland. The area is known as the 'parish of the peats' whilst the name Balblair means battlefield or town of the plain. One of the first Balblair Vintages ever released, Balblair 1997 was launched in March 2007. Although stock of this special Vintage left our warehouses long ago,if you were lucky must seize this great opportunity to enjoy this stunning dram. Tasting Note~ Color: amber in appearance with rose-golden highlights. Nose: On the nose, the American oak barrels used in the distillate’s maturation, produce an inviting, spicy fragrance. Palate: Hints of oak, spice and raisin combine with the sweetness of vanilla. Finish:A long-lingering, creamy smooth finish. Taiwan Exclusive Cask No. 1151 Each bottle tasting note will varies from cask cereal number. |