BRUICHLADDICH Octomore 6.1 布萊迪 奧特摩6.1 (700ml 57%) 奧特摩系列向來全球最重泥煤威士忌聞名,本次推出奧特摩的6.1版,鎖定非主流消費客層。擁有粗獷豪邁的泥煤量,卻同時兼具淡雅、細緻豐富口感,潛藏令人著迷的釀製工藝。活力充沛,卻出乎意料地歷經熟成,顛覆你的想像。謎樣的特質組成讓人愛不釋手。 行家報告~ 風味: 狂野而粗獷,經重泥煤烘烤過的純麥呈現濃厚的煙燻風味,攻佔你的味蕾,呈現無比驚艷,再也沒有什麼能像這支年輕的鬥士,能燃起你的驕傲與熱情,帶你造訪大西洋上名聞遐邇的島嶼-艾雷島-赫布里底群島上(HEBRIDES)的核心聖地。 色澤: 秋日香榭色調/檸檬黃。 香氣: 撲鼻而來的香氣揉雜了清新海水味、生海草以及油碘氣息。伴隨著烘烤碎乾椒味,而當酒體本身的香味釋放時,令人驚豔的石南花、香蜂草、水薄荷香調隨之迸發。宛如見證一場赫布里底群島(HEBRIDES)舉行的心靈洗禮。香氣就像織錦般豐富而多層。 口感: 漸次飄出餅乾、煙燻大麥氣息,接著是甘醇的橡木味,誘發香草、烘烤裸麥與核桃香氣。而熟成過程中所吸收的清新萊姆味與醃製蘋果、水梨氣息則接續迴盪開來,在心中勾勒出艾雷島的海浪敲打節奏,彷彿可以看見那群將單一純麥威士忌視為生命中最美好事物的當地居民,世代傳承地為釀製工藝全心奉獻。 餘韻: 飲盡杯中珍品,你將歌頌這愉悅、溫潤、而令人歡欣鼓舞的官感體驗。屆時你將瞭解,受溫潤酒液所擁抱的內心與靈魂,早已為你開啟這段昇華之旅 |
BRUICHLADDICH Octomore 6.1 Bottling Note~ The sixth edition of experimental Octomore, famous for being made with the most heavily peated barley on the planet. Bruichladdich are still able to impart a delicate, graceful emphasis within this intense whisky. Wholly matured in American oak, 'Octomore' takes its name from a farm two miles away from the distillery (where all of the barley used to create this edition was sourced). In its sixth release, peated to a whopping 167 phenol parts per million - this series remains one of the smokiest efforts on planet earth (Laphroaig and Ardbeg generally weigh in around 40 or 50 ppm) and has garnered a cult following. Tasting Note~ Color: Bright Straw. Nose: Wavers for a minute before a more definitive peat-reek profile of lanolin / wool shed and manure takes centre stage. The walk through the farmyard continues into the second pass which adds jaffa, choc fudge and dense fruit'n'nut chocolate interchanging with dried grass-like notes through the earthy peat. Final inspection finds orange cake and sweet cereals now to the fore while the overall bouquet drops a notch intensity wise. Palate: Five years old, 167ppm and cask strength yet so accessible that there's even an ethereal sense of 'lightness' (relatively speaking) that sets this apart from the previous release. The alcohol just gently nips at the tongue as cocoa and vanilla rise through the smoke along with flashes of grassy / grain flavors. Weighty peat slams down to finish. Incredible balance. Finish: Ends creamy as hints of cocoa, vanilla and sooty lanolin repeat in the prolonged fade. So easy to drink it should come with a warning label. But is it more than just a peat bomb? Brace yourself for something utterly different in the world of Scotch whisky. |
オクトモア 0.61 スコティッシュ・バーレイ 700ml 57度~ オクトモア06.1 スコテッィシュ・バーレイ、ブルイックラディ蒸溜所でのヘビーピート麦芽を使用してつくられるシングルモルトで、世界で最もピーティなシングルモルトウイスキーです。 莫大の量のピートがありながら、軽やかでデリケートな複雑さと魅力的なフィネスを兼ね備えている。 強靭で、ハンサムで、そして将来の可能性を秘めたアイラの怪物。危険な香り漂うスタイリッシュでセンセーショナルなオクトモアを是非、今年もお楽しみください。 世界一 ピーティなシングルモルト オクトモア 6thリリース スコティッシュ・バーレイ 700ml 57度。 |